Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

As I have only penned two plays, I am not so audacious as to offer an artistic statement. I have, however, endeavored in my dramas to tell universal stories in largely sepia tones. (In my most recent effort, i was intentional in creating African-American, European-American and Hispanic characters). My plays may be a bit atypical in that they are populated in no small measure by black middle class professionals, i.e., "strivers," a demographic that has only recently enjoyed a more full exploration on stage, television and film. My next play, which is in an embryonic developmental stage at present, will mark a departure from my earlier work as it will feature a white father, mother and their two daughters. I look forward to the challenge of reaching transculturally to shape a credible, memorable family. I suppose then that, if compelled to articulate my artistic vision, I would say that I seek, through my writing, to employ a diverse set of characters to tell richly human stories in a way that will not be forgotten when the curtain closes.