Recommended by Emma Goldman-Sherman

    29 Jun. 2019
    This is a tremendously well written monologue that takes us through the lives of this man and his entire world which is our world and our lives. Not a false moment in it! Great work for an older male actor! Great piece for a festival.
    29 Jun. 2019
    WOW! Happy to recommend this tightly written fast moving #metoo play about the music business and one woman's journey to get back on top. A very dramatic and easily produceable play that will spark a lot of conversation afterwards.
  • Equal...Sometimes
    28 Jun. 2019
    This is a very funny play! Even though it's about something deep and real and honest that gets you in the end in the best way, it will have you laughing over how vain and competitive we are! LOVE IT!
  • Oh My, Goodness
    27 Jun. 2019
    This is a beautifully written play that is also easily producible with great roles for 2 actors. Everything about it feels right. Well done!
  • Where the Fireworks Come From
    21 Jun. 2019
    Beautiful play about truths and fears, more than but including the fear of one's own truth getting rejected or the fear of never having the courage to even speak it - this short provides all the inspiration we need to admit our truths, and I hope it gets produced a lot!
  • when a whale falls
    21 Jun. 2019
    I really appreciate the metaphor of the whale fall - something I never knew about - and grief is so deep that this makes perfect sense, and helps any of us dealing with grief's massive and whale-like dimensions! I highly recommend this short and satisfying play.
  • Dark King Kills Unicorn
    21 Jun. 2019
    I love a play that begins and ends in song. I won't give away the ending, but there's a great title! And the language is marvelous! Highly theatrical on a bare stage, just the way I like it!
  • Eleanor Descending a Staircase
    20 Jun. 2019
    This is exactly how I feel most days and most nights of my life in this world. It's a good thing I don't have what Eleanor has in her purse. Thank you Ian August for what one calls an absurdist look at art (and I just call my life). I highly recommend this play and would produce it myself if I were to morph into a producer.
  • The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows
    20 Jun. 2019
    So excited about this beautiful new play! And thrilled to recommend it! An ensemble piece that has so many great roles for women and speaks to so much of our experience as girls and young women whether or not we were schooled by nuns. The prevailing attitudes and the hard choices exist in so many ways, and here Femia has dug them up and worked her magic on them toward transformation! I applaud this play so hard!
  • Reading Babar in 2070
    18 Jun. 2019
    Colonialism, Extinction, Apathy, Anomie - Bublitz tackles the hard stuff here with great empathy, and it's fascinating, entertaining and wonderful. This'll get an audience to consider how our actions today will be seen by the future. Adopt an elephant today!
