Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I am a very typical audience member. I like to be challenged, and yes, I like plays that give me something to think about. But I also like to be entertained. I like to be surprised. I love to laugh. I enjoy wondering what will happen next. And I absolutely need to care about the characters. So when I write, I want to create something that I would — sitting in the audience — want to see, would enjoy watching, and which would reflect my own world back to me.

As I write, I am very often surprised by what comes out. During the process, I feel more like that typical audience member. I can't wait to see what happens — what my characters will do, what they will say. I write because there's something I want to see onstage that I haven't seen yet. And once it's onstage, I sit back with all the other audience members to discover what it is.

I write because I love theatre, I love writing, and I love the connection between the playwright, the actors, and the audience.