Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Lunge

    Under the spell of a Svengali-like coach, young Bridget dedicates her life to fencing training to the exclusion of all other life activities. She ultimately comes to question the sacrifices demanded of her and has to make the difficult decision whether or not to continue to meet those demands. This play has resonance for all who dedicate themselves obsessively and from a young age to any pursuit. It is a powerful exploration of a young woman's coming of age and discovering her own autonomy.

    Under the spell of a Svengali-like coach, young Bridget dedicates her life to fencing training to the exclusion of all other life activities. She ultimately comes to question the sacrifices demanded of her and has to make the difficult decision whether or not to continue to meet those demands. This play has resonance for all who dedicate themselves obsessively and from a young age to any pursuit. It is a powerful exploration of a young woman's coming of age and discovering her own autonomy.

  • Paul Donnelly: is my sun shining?

    The complexity of grief is given its full due in this moving play. Alec's response to Brayden's suicide rings true in its ambivalence and confusion. Broken as he is, that he is ultimately lead to take a step back into life is hearteningly apt. A lovely and true to life work.

    The complexity of grief is given its full due in this moving play. Alec's response to Brayden's suicide rings true in its ambivalence and confusion. Broken as he is, that he is ultimately lead to take a step back into life is hearteningly apt. A lovely and true to life work.

  • Paul Donnelly: VETTING (a 10 minute comedy)

    Lois gets her just comeuppance in this very funny comic romp. All five characters are vividly drawn and each has at least one amusing quirk. This would be a delight to see staged.

    Lois gets her just comeuppance in this very funny comic romp. All five characters are vividly drawn and each has at least one amusing quirk. This would be a delight to see staged.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Folks (a ten minute play)

    It's one thing to have voices in your head, it's quite another when your date hears you speaking with them. But it's really something when your date understands your dilemma. It was a pleasure spending this evening with Wendy and Scott. I hope there are many more evenings in their future.

    It's one thing to have voices in your head, it's quite another when your date hears you speaking with them. But it's really something when your date understands your dilemma. It was a pleasure spending this evening with Wendy and Scott. I hope there are many more evenings in their future.

  • Paul Donnelly: SwimShare

    Delightfully unsettling, SwimShare provides a nice suburban couple with the intruders from hell. The comical vulgarity and presumption of the intruders push the couple to the breaking point. And perhaps beyond. The dialogue paints a vivid portrait of the entitled and boorish wife and the unspoken responses illuminate her husband and the "host" couple. The situation is novel and engaging, This is a dark comedy worthy of the name. It would be such fun to see all four characters brought to life.

    Delightfully unsettling, SwimShare provides a nice suburban couple with the intruders from hell. The comical vulgarity and presumption of the intruders push the couple to the breaking point. And perhaps beyond. The dialogue paints a vivid portrait of the entitled and boorish wife and the unspoken responses illuminate her husband and the "host" couple. The situation is novel and engaging, This is a dark comedy worthy of the name. It would be such fun to see all four characters brought to life.

  • Paul Donnelly: Using All The Good People For Your Galley Slaves

    Oscar Wilde meets Lew Wallace in this very funny mash-up. Rarely have galley slaves been so refined and erudite. The twist at the end reminds us that their existence is still perilous. A timeless comic gem.

    Oscar Wilde meets Lew Wallace in this very funny mash-up. Rarely have galley slaves been so refined and erudite. The twist at the end reminds us that their existence is still perilous. A timeless comic gem.

  • Paul Donnelly: Good Knight and Goodbye

    What a wacky take on tales of chivalry in ye olden days! The gags, both verbal and visual, come fast and furious. Read it and howl with laughter. What more can I say but "Let them eat cake," indeed?

    What a wacky take on tales of chivalry in ye olden days! The gags, both verbal and visual, come fast and furious. Read it and howl with laughter. What more can I say but "Let them eat cake," indeed?

  • Paul Donnelly: THE FOOL: ONE ACT

    A dark, dark comedy of the repetition of a nasty history. The characters jump off the page and the elegant dialogue draws us in and illuminates the theme. It is truly a surreal and intense narrative.

    A dark, dark comedy of the repetition of a nasty history. The characters jump off the page and the elegant dialogue draws us in and illuminates the theme. It is truly a surreal and intense narrative.

  • Paul Donnelly: GOOD BOY BAD BOY [One-Minute Play]

    What seems to be a simple story of a child trying to talk himself out of blame for the mischief he has caused proves to be something much more unsettling with a brilliant final coup de theatre.

    What seems to be a simple story of a child trying to talk himself out of blame for the mischief he has caused proves to be something much more unsettling with a brilliant final coup de theatre.

  • Paul Donnelly: Which Way to the Beach

    A brilliantly set-up comedy of mistaken Identity. George and Marjorie spill the family tea thinking they are talking to their son's fiancé. The poor recipient of their oversharing can't get a word in edgewise to stop them. As in all good comedies of misunderstanding, everything gets sorted out and most characters achieve their goals. Great fun with a bit of social awareness layered in.

    A brilliantly set-up comedy of mistaken Identity. George and Marjorie spill the family tea thinking they are talking to their son's fiancé. The poor recipient of their oversharing can't get a word in edgewise to stop them. As in all good comedies of misunderstanding, everything gets sorted out and most characters achieve their goals. Great fun with a bit of social awareness layered in.