Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Next Stop

    Two strangers meet on a city bus and seem to have little in common. But a bond forms anyway leading to a sweet conclusion. This engaging play is full of warmth and gentle humor. It was a pleasure to read.

    Two strangers meet on a city bus and seem to have little in common. But a bond forms anyway leading to a sweet conclusion. This engaging play is full of warmth and gentle humor. It was a pleasure to read.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Drought

    Well I certainly didn't see that coming. What felt like ratcheting tension turns out to be a sublime tease in this witty and engaging monologue.

    Well I certainly didn't see that coming. What felt like ratcheting tension turns out to be a sublime tease in this witty and engaging monologue.

  • Paul Donnelly: The One That Got Away

    Hindsight can be like an icepick in the heart. Regret begets clarity that was missing in the lost moment. Future Rae finds the moment it all went wrong and is helpless to change the narrative of her life. Powerful stuff exquisitely rendered.

    Hindsight can be like an icepick in the heart. Regret begets clarity that was missing in the lost moment. Future Rae finds the moment it all went wrong and is helpless to change the narrative of her life. Powerful stuff exquisitely rendered.

  • Paul Donnelly: Hidden Victims

    A play of great compassion and insight looking at the family members who are often collateral damage when a loved one has committed a horrific crime. Blame spreads like a stain inducing self-recrimination on top of public shaming. This riveting play will have me thinking about this family for a long time to come.

    A play of great compassion and insight looking at the family members who are often collateral damage when a loved one has committed a horrific crime. Blame spreads like a stain inducing self-recrimination on top of public shaming. This riveting play will have me thinking about this family for a long time to come.

  • Paul Donnelly: No Present Like the Time

    The conflict between Mother's need for Julian and Julian's need for his father is exceptionally well portrayed. So much of their interaction is poignant and every beat rings true. The chilling conclusion is all the more chilling for the way it makes sense to Mother.

    The conflict between Mother's need for Julian and Julian's need for his father is exceptionally well portrayed. So much of their interaction is poignant and every beat rings true. The chilling conclusion is all the more chilling for the way it makes sense to Mother.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Golden Egg Cream Gold Club

    What a deliciously farcical exploration of solidarity among the proletariat in the face of exclusionary exclusivity and naked classism. It really is a lot of fun with a soupcon of a message baked in.

    What a deliciously farcical exploration of solidarity among the proletariat in the face of exclusionary exclusivity and naked classism. It really is a lot of fun with a soupcon of a message baked in.

  • Paul Donnelly: GENESIS IN A RED PICK-UP TRUCK - 10-Minute, Sally and Bob a senior couple sharing a fast-food and Genesis

    Bob and Sally's bond is illustrated in this humorous exploration of the first book of Genesis.

    Bob and Sally's bond is illustrated in this humorous exploration of the first book of Genesis.

  • Paul Donnelly: A RAINY NIGHT IN HOLLYWOOD - one-act based on actual events in 1940's Hollywood.

    A charming portrait of a woman at a crossroads and the simple decency of a stranger that gives her the confidence to pursue her dream. That the woman is Rita Hayworth adds heft to the moment and allows for illuminating references to 1940's Hollywood and to her driver's experiences in WW II.

    A charming portrait of a woman at a crossroads and the simple decency of a stranger that gives her the confidence to pursue her dream. That the woman is Rita Hayworth adds heft to the moment and allows for illuminating references to 1940's Hollywood and to her driver's experiences in WW II.

  • Paul Donnelly: Oh My Life!

    What a delightful comic romp, involving family in so many configurations! The funny bits continue to escalate, but are grounded in the real affection and connection among all the characters. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud. I would love to see this piece on its feet.

    What a delightful comic romp, involving family in so many configurations! The funny bits continue to escalate, but are grounded in the real affection and connection among all the characters. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud. I would love to see this piece on its feet.

  • Paul Donnelly: Earl from Greenville

    This play offers a vivid portrait of virulent bigotry being challenged by the realities of a larger world. Gary's prejudices seem so deeply ingrained that there doesn't seem to be much hope of him changing. There is something sobering about these men and the persistence of their attitudes. That they seem so real is most dis-heartening.

    This play offers a vivid portrait of virulent bigotry being challenged by the realities of a larger world. Gary's prejudices seem so deeply ingrained that there doesn't seem to be much hope of him changing. There is something sobering about these men and the persistence of their attitudes. That they seem so real is most dis-heartening.