Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Blunk

    A funny and touching look at the unrequited love felt by a bro in a sports bar. So much emotion is packed into this tight one minute dramady. Longing and repression and cluelessness are all given their due in the dynamic of the friendship so well depicted.

    A funny and touching look at the unrequited love felt by a bro in a sports bar. So much emotion is packed into this tight one minute dramady. Longing and repression and cluelessness are all given their due in the dynamic of the friendship so well depicted.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Murder is the Thing

    Jane Pierot and her cynical assistant Sandra are marvelous comic creations. They bring real verve to this delicious spoof of the small town sleuth genre. (Take that Miss Marple! Take that Jessica Fletcher!) The plot is full of appropriate and unexpected twists and the kicker ending is a real hoot. All in all, this is a most enjoyable romp.

    Jane Pierot and her cynical assistant Sandra are marvelous comic creations. They bring real verve to this delicious spoof of the small town sleuth genre. (Take that Miss Marple! Take that Jessica Fletcher!) The plot is full of appropriate and unexpected twists and the kicker ending is a real hoot. All in all, this is a most enjoyable romp.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Fool

    Adrien Stoker, reformed scoundrel, makes a compelling anti-hero who wants to hold his audience at all costs. We get hints of what he witnessed that brought about his change of heart, but we are left with a tantalizingly incomplete conclusion. I was certainly left wanting more of Adrien.

    Adrien Stoker, reformed scoundrel, makes a compelling anti-hero who wants to hold his audience at all costs. We get hints of what he witnessed that brought about his change of heart, but we are left with a tantalizingly incomplete conclusion. I was certainly left wanting more of Adrien.

  • Paul Donnelly: THE RITUAL (ten minute play)

    There is much humor mined from two blasé middle school teachers watching students engaged in a dark and horrific ritual. The teachers' world weary, deadpan responses are funnier and funnier the more the ritual progresses. Their encounter with a student participant wittily explores the student's typical middle schooler behavior in the face of the horror. The button on the play is one more element of its engaging humor.

    There is much humor mined from two blasé middle school teachers watching students engaged in a dark and horrific ritual. The teachers' world weary, deadpan responses are funnier and funnier the more the ritual progresses. Their encounter with a student participant wittily explores the student's typical middle schooler behavior in the face of the horror. The button on the play is one more element of its engaging humor.

  • Paul Donnelly: Dear Mavis (one-act play)

    The Mavis of Dear Mavis is propelled into the world of heedless bloggers and mindless technology by her paper's new editor, a shallow, inexperienced, caffeine addled bully. The joy of this play is in watching Mavis cope and ultimately triumph. She is even pushed into following her own advice about the potential for a new love. Wonderfully drawn characters and a briskly moving narrative make Dear Mavis a true delight.

    The Mavis of Dear Mavis is propelled into the world of heedless bloggers and mindless technology by her paper's new editor, a shallow, inexperienced, caffeine addled bully. The joy of this play is in watching Mavis cope and ultimately triumph. She is even pushed into following her own advice about the potential for a new love. Wonderfully drawn characters and a briskly moving narrative make Dear Mavis a true delight.

  • Paul Donnelly: In the Name of Love (ten-minute play)

    This sweet-natured comedy is filled with twists and turns, some humorous, some seemingly serious, that build organically to a wholly satisfying conclusion. The members of this family are each engaging and their dynamic is well-rendered, It is delightful to see their bond deepen.

    This sweet-natured comedy is filled with twists and turns, some humorous, some seemingly serious, that build organically to a wholly satisfying conclusion. The members of this family are each engaging and their dynamic is well-rendered, It is delightful to see their bond deepen.

  • Paul Donnelly: Why Did You Bother Killing the Sea Witch?

    In this truly fractured fairy-tale, a pragmatic prince throws cold water on the little mermaid's romantic dreams. This bracingly subversive take on fairy-tale ethos is riotously funny and is sure to be even more entertaining in production.

    In this truly fractured fairy-tale, a pragmatic prince throws cold water on the little mermaid's romantic dreams. This bracingly subversive take on fairy-tale ethos is riotously funny and is sure to be even more entertaining in production.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Manners Mafia

    What fun! The Manners Mafiosi show themselves capable of both mercy and rigor. And the very rude young man who displays ill-manners gets what he deserves. A highly satisfying spoof.

    What fun! The Manners Mafiosi show themselves capable of both mercy and rigor. And the very rude young man who displays ill-manners gets what he deserves. A highly satisfying spoof.

  • Paul Donnelly: Boat Spotting

    What a lovely exploration of the fear and the euphoria, the yearning and the retreat that run through first love. These young men are vividly drawn and engaging. Eden's description of his desire to join Ash in the ocean and the fear that kept him out is a gorgeous reflection of his core dilemma. Though they have different tolerances for going public, there is a sense of something solid at the core of their connection.

    What a lovely exploration of the fear and the euphoria, the yearning and the retreat that run through first love. These young men are vividly drawn and engaging. Eden's description of his desire to join Ash in the ocean and the fear that kept him out is a gorgeous reflection of his core dilemma. Though they have different tolerances for going public, there is a sense of something solid at the core of their connection.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Lovers' Quarrel

    When middle son Sammy's return from service in the army is met with mixed reactions due to the circumstances under which he was forced to enlist, the seeds of his ultimate destruction are sewn. On the way to his murder, the narrative is leavened with the real affection and humor displayed among the family members and friends in the community. But ultimately the racist power structure prevails and the surviving members of the family are forced to flee. Although eldest son Junior extracts a measure of revenge and youngest son Ronald builds a better life fulfilling his dreams in NY.

    When middle son Sammy's return from service in the army is met with mixed reactions due to the circumstances under which he was forced to enlist, the seeds of his ultimate destruction are sewn. On the way to his murder, the narrative is leavened with the real affection and humor displayed among the family members and friends in the community. But ultimately the racist power structure prevails and the surviving members of the family are forced to flee. Although eldest son Junior extracts a measure of revenge and youngest son Ronald builds a better life fulfilling his dreams in NY.