Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Mutual Attraction

    Two men move from flirty to right down to business in this endearing one minute play. I mean, a guy has to have standards!

    Two men move from flirty to right down to business in this endearing one minute play. I mean, a guy has to have standards!

  • Paul Donnelly: Lou And Bud Kill Their Dad

    Wow. This is a stunning depiction of the effects of horrible childhood trauma. Bud's action may seem extreme, but it is also the fantasy of many an abused child. The brothers' reaction to the murder of their father is complicated, even darkly humorous at times, but their bond is unshakeable. This story is gripping from the start and its hold only grows tighter as it progresses.

    Wow. This is a stunning depiction of the effects of horrible childhood trauma. Bud's action may seem extreme, but it is also the fantasy of many an abused child. The brothers' reaction to the murder of their father is complicated, even darkly humorous at times, but their bond is unshakeable. This story is gripping from the start and its hold only grows tighter as it progresses.

  • Paul Donnelly: Sisters from the Same Mister

    Families can be messy, especially when siblings are revealed later in life. All three of these sisters come from families made dysfunctional by marital infidelities. Their connection is halting, even prickly, at first, but they come to a point of acceptance. These are three well-drawn characters on a high stakes and ultimately moving journey.

    Families can be messy, especially when siblings are revealed later in life. All three of these sisters come from families made dysfunctional by marital infidelities. Their connection is halting, even prickly, at first, but they come to a point of acceptance. These are three well-drawn characters on a high stakes and ultimately moving journey.


    DeVon tries to show us that there's nothing bad about the big bad wolf. He makes his supposedly dastardly behavior sympathetic and relatable. A wolf just wants to be understood and accepted for who he is. And maybe given a little stew. It is both funny and poignant that this is too much to ask.

    DeVon tries to show us that there's nothing bad about the big bad wolf. He makes his supposedly dastardly behavior sympathetic and relatable. A wolf just wants to be understood and accepted for who he is. And maybe given a little stew. It is both funny and poignant that this is too much to ask.

  • Paul Donnelly: an open letter to parents who send their boys to summer camp

    This stunning monologue gains power from its lyricism as well as from its underlying warning. It is a tribute to the impact of this piece that the simple word iridescent brought tears to my eyes. There is an urgent message offered to those who are willing to listen.

    This stunning monologue gains power from its lyricism as well as from its underlying warning. It is a tribute to the impact of this piece that the simple word iridescent brought tears to my eyes. There is an urgent message offered to those who are willing to listen.

  • Paul Donnelly: Don't Preach at My Funeral (Ten-Minute Version)

    A raw and gripping exploration of family history and family dynamics emerges through a power struggle over the honest way to honor a son/brother's memory. Both these characters are clearly drawn and their conflict has high emotional stakes. Mary has lost one child and risks losing another. The moving conclusion offers a glimmer of hope that she will not. Powerful stuff, skillfully rendered.

    A raw and gripping exploration of family history and family dynamics emerges through a power struggle over the honest way to honor a son/brother's memory. Both these characters are clearly drawn and their conflict has high emotional stakes. Mary has lost one child and risks losing another. The moving conclusion offers a glimmer of hope that she will not. Powerful stuff, skillfully rendered.

  • Paul Donnelly: Love Sucks

    What a darkly funny spin on the conventions of romantic comedy. The source of jealousy is a witty surprise and the narrative just becomes funnier and funnier from there. This is an imaginative, novel, and thoroughly engaging Valentine's Day treat.

    What a darkly funny spin on the conventions of romantic comedy. The source of jealousy is a witty surprise and the narrative just becomes funnier and funnier from there. This is an imaginative, novel, and thoroughly engaging Valentine's Day treat.

  • Paul Donnelly: Virginia Slim With Ten Minutes to Go

    Family history in all its complexity resonates through this captivating portrait of a family dealing (and not dealing) with the loss of a patriarch. Each of the five characters is vividly drawn and their relationships play out compellingly. I, for one, am not entirely sure if Dot's coming to the funeral or not right up to the end.

    Family history in all its complexity resonates through this captivating portrait of a family dealing (and not dealing) with the loss of a patriarch. Each of the five characters is vividly drawn and their relationships play out compellingly. I, for one, am not entirely sure if Dot's coming to the funeral or not right up to the end.

  • Paul Donnelly: Black, White, & Red All Over

    "Mr. Flippers" and "Ling-ling" break free from the confines of the zoo (in one case literally, in the other metaphorically) and explore one another's real identities in this clever comedy. Even the pandemic is played for giggles. From their initial shock to their eventual bond is a laugh filled journey right up to the both humorous and poignant end of their time together.

    "Mr. Flippers" and "Ling-ling" break free from the confines of the zoo (in one case literally, in the other metaphorically) and explore one another's real identities in this clever comedy. Even the pandemic is played for giggles. From their initial shock to their eventual bond is a laugh filled journey right up to the both humorous and poignant end of their time together.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Long and Short of It

    Donald Baker has such fun with double entendres in this very funny ... ah ... short, and the audience will, too. He tackles a rarely spoken of, frequently thought of, topic with engaging humor.

    Donald Baker has such fun with double entendres in this very funny ... ah ... short, and the audience will, too. He tackles a rarely spoken of, frequently thought of, topic with engaging humor.