Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: My Hired Hand

    This touching monologue shows the impact of a medical miracle on a young child. The child's excitement at the possibilities his new hand opens up and their hope for acceptance are both movingly rendered.

    This touching monologue shows the impact of a medical miracle on a young child. The child's excitement at the possibilities his new hand opens up and their hope for acceptance are both movingly rendered.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Truth About Tiny Tim

    What a hoot! This Christmas Carol origin story is filled with delirious word-play and rapid-fire humor. It spoofs literary pretentions, Victorian mores, and Dicken's creative process. All in all, a thoroughly clever absurdist romp.

    What a hoot! This Christmas Carol origin story is filled with delirious word-play and rapid-fire humor. It spoofs literary pretentions, Victorian mores, and Dicken's creative process. All in all, a thoroughly clever absurdist romp.

  • Paul Donnelly: A FAVOUR

    Wow. I sure didn't see that coming. Two strangers meet and connect on a secluded park bench. What seems like a pleasant exchange and the acceptance of a simple favor turns on a dime and reaches a quick dark crescendo.

    Wow. I sure didn't see that coming. Two strangers meet and connect on a secluded park bench. What seems like a pleasant exchange and the acceptance of a simple favor turns on a dime and reaches a quick dark crescendo.

  • Paul Donnelly: What Baggage

    What fun! This is a delightful look at two seniors coping with real life issues in the midst of a post-coital afterglow. Will their baggage be a deal breaker? All I know is that I want to see more of Virgil and Evelyn as they negotiate their evolving relationship.

    What fun! This is a delightful look at two seniors coping with real life issues in the midst of a post-coital afterglow. Will their baggage be a deal breaker? All I know is that I want to see more of Virgil and Evelyn as they negotiate their evolving relationship.

  • Paul Donnelly: Big Date

    The laughs are a big as the characters who deliver them. The premise here is funny and the execution is funnier. The laconic approach to their destructive tendencies, the send-up of first date conventions, and the sci-fi spoof aspect are all spot on and a riot.

    The laughs are a big as the characters who deliver them. The premise here is funny and the execution is funnier. The laconic approach to their destructive tendencies, the send-up of first date conventions, and the sci-fi spoof aspect are all spot on and a riot.

  • Paul Donnelly: All My Love, T.L.C

    Charlie gets a whole hell of a lot more than he bargained for in responding to mysterious mash note. His exchanges with the bartender start out lighthearted and smug, but gradually darken as the possible identities of TLC are explored. Things build inexorably to a chilling conclusion in this gripping, powerful short.

    Charlie gets a whole hell of a lot more than he bargained for in responding to mysterious mash note. His exchanges with the bartender start out lighthearted and smug, but gradually darken as the possible identities of TLC are explored. Things build inexorably to a chilling conclusion in this gripping, powerful short.

  • Paul Donnelly: DON'T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD, a 10-minute comedy for five actors

    So much temptation stands between Casey and her New Years resolution to eat healthy in this witty and engaging play. Ice Cream, Cookies, and Chips each have their siren's song. Then Kale arrives in superhero guise, but proves not to be the answer to Casey's cravings. Casey's final response is all too human and completely relatable.

    So much temptation stands between Casey and her New Years resolution to eat healthy in this witty and engaging play. Ice Cream, Cookies, and Chips each have their siren's song. Then Kale arrives in superhero guise, but proves not to be the answer to Casey's cravings. Casey's final response is all too human and completely relatable.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Bad Play

    A comic look at the all too tragic obstacles facing the aspiring playwright. Sam's cynicism is closer to the surface than is often the case as Alex presses them on the higher purposes of art. Commerce prevails in Sam's world and, sadly, Sam's world view seems to prevail in theatre today. For the want of a submission fee, a production opportunity is lost.

    A comic look at the all too tragic obstacles facing the aspiring playwright. Sam's cynicism is closer to the surface than is often the case as Alex presses them on the higher purposes of art. Commerce prevails in Sam's world and, sadly, Sam's world view seems to prevail in theatre today. For the want of a submission fee, a production opportunity is lost.

  • Paul Donnelly: What to Expect When You're Expecting Our Lord and Savior

    A wonderful blend of humor and melancholy informs this fascinating play about faith and mental health and fidelity. The central premise is revealed to come from pain in the moving conclusion. All in all a compelling portrait of the complexity of a relationship.

    A wonderful blend of humor and melancholy informs this fascinating play about faith and mental health and fidelity. The central premise is revealed to come from pain in the moving conclusion. All in all a compelling portrait of the complexity of a relationship.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Penny for Your Thoughts

    The dichotomy between a character's thoughts and their external presentation are wittily illuminated by making the thoughts independent characters. It seems the best way to preserve a relationship is to suppress or at least subvert these thoughts. A most engaging execution of a clever premise.

    The dichotomy between a character's thoughts and their external presentation are wittily illuminated by making the thoughts independent characters. It seems the best way to preserve a relationship is to suppress or at least subvert these thoughts. A most engaging execution of a clever premise.