Recommended by Paul Donnelly


    Two old friends share a vacation at a new location. Initially this pleases one but not the other. One friend has embraced change in her life, one resists it. This charming story lets us see how one friend leads the other to accept new possibilities in her life.

    Two old friends share a vacation at a new location. Initially this pleases one but not the other. One friend has embraced change in her life, one resists it. This charming story lets us see how one friend leads the other to accept new possibilities in her life.

  • Paul Donnelly: Before You Submit

    Painfully funny and oddly familiar, this delicious satire of the gatekeeper/playwright relationship is a dark delight. The heightened obstacles posed by the gatekeeper ring regrettably true. Have your euros ready desperate playwrights.

    Painfully funny and oddly familiar, this delicious satire of the gatekeeper/playwright relationship is a dark delight. The heightened obstacles posed by the gatekeeper ring regrettably true. Have your euros ready desperate playwrights.

  • Paul Donnelly: Immersion Therapy

    What a delight! Melissa's husband provides her with a unique birthday experience. Things do not start well when the gift turns out to be a clown, Her fear of clowns has a complex backstory that ultimately rebounds to her husband's benefit. This play received a glorious production on Gather By the Ghost Light.

    What a delight! Melissa's husband provides her with a unique birthday experience. Things do not start well when the gift turns out to be a clown, Her fear of clowns has a complex backstory that ultimately rebounds to her husband's benefit. This play received a glorious production on Gather By the Ghost Light.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Adventures of Pat the Exterminator: Pests

    Pat the Exterminator is deliciously non-plussed by their encounter with a vampire. The poor archetypal vampire doesn't stand a chance against Pat's sensible, laconic responses. These two well-drawn characters are the source of great fun.

    Pat the Exterminator is deliciously non-plussed by their encounter with a vampire. The poor archetypal vampire doesn't stand a chance against Pat's sensible, laconic responses. These two well-drawn characters are the source of great fun.

  • Paul Donnelly: And Try NOT To Enjoy Your Stay

    The chipper, bureaucratic tone of the instructions juxtaposes nicely with the extreme exhibit content being described. The non-verbal contributions of the two museum workers will only escalate the already inspired lunacy of the proceedings.

    The chipper, bureaucratic tone of the instructions juxtaposes nicely with the extreme exhibit content being described. The non-verbal contributions of the two museum workers will only escalate the already inspired lunacy of the proceedings.

  • Paul Donnelly: All I Want for Christmas is Pizza

    Jayden's embrace of a true Christmas spirit proves to be the best gift he can give his stressed out mother. Accepting his authentic wish is the best gift she can give to him. The build to the exchange of these particular gifts is highly amusing as both characters are well-developed and play off each other authentically. Their interaction leads to a very touching conclusion.

    Jayden's embrace of a true Christmas spirit proves to be the best gift he can give his stressed out mother. Accepting his authentic wish is the best gift she can give to him. The build to the exchange of these particular gifts is highly amusing as both characters are well-developed and play off each other authentically. Their interaction leads to a very touching conclusion.

  • Paul Donnelly: GEEKY GERRY

    A chance encounter between former neighbors leads to a poignant reflection on the changes two years can bring. This saga of Gerry's renaissance is most heartening.

    A chance encounter between former neighbors leads to a poignant reflection on the changes two years can bring. This saga of Gerry's renaissance is most heartening.

  • Paul Donnelly: Oh, Say Can You (TH)C?

    This is a charming portrait of three old friends attempting to get high off gummies. They decide to let themselves be high despite the questionable provenance of the gummies. These three old friends are vividly drawn and most engaging.

    This is a charming portrait of three old friends attempting to get high off gummies. They decide to let themselves be high despite the questionable provenance of the gummies. These three old friends are vividly drawn and most engaging.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Graveyard Shift Bites

    Just a typical late night in a fast food restaurant, right? The annoying customers may be a little bitey, but that's not so far beyond their usual abuse, right? Being a zombie is the best way to survive at a fast food job, right? Or maybe you're about to be recruited into the Zombie Apocalypse. This witty confection mines the conventions of both fast food restaurants and the Zombie Apocalypse for sustained and escalating laughs.

    Just a typical late night in a fast food restaurant, right? The annoying customers may be a little bitey, but that's not so far beyond their usual abuse, right? Being a zombie is the best way to survive at a fast food job, right? Or maybe you're about to be recruited into the Zombie Apocalypse. This witty confection mines the conventions of both fast food restaurants and the Zombie Apocalypse for sustained and escalating laughs.

  • Paul Donnelly: W OR M?

    Glenn isn't thrown too far off his game by Stephanie's transition to Al in this warm and witty comedy. It is heartening to see that a caring relationship can morph and endure over time.

    Glenn isn't thrown too far off his game by Stephanie's transition to Al in this warm and witty comedy. It is heartening to see that a caring relationship can morph and endure over time.