Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: A Long Overdue Talk With Henry

    The late Henry gets his comeuppance in Gayle's darkly comic explosion of grief and pent-up rage. Gayle's anger is sympathetic, if carried to extremes, and her resolution is disturbingly satisfying.

    The late Henry gets his comeuppance in Gayle's darkly comic explosion of grief and pent-up rage. Gayle's anger is sympathetic, if carried to extremes, and her resolution is disturbingly satisfying.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Trouble With Cashews

    Who knew that a bowl of mixed nuts could become a harbinger of the apocalypse? The escalating hysteria of two siblings watching their aunt select out the cashews is riotously funny.

    Who knew that a bowl of mixed nuts could become a harbinger of the apocalypse? The escalating hysteria of two siblings watching their aunt select out the cashews is riotously funny.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Big Sneeze (or Much Achoo About Nothing)

    Who knew that the way to a man's (metaphorical) heart was through his (literal) ribcage? The course of true love may not run smooth, but it runs hysterically in this screwball comedy.

    Who knew that the way to a man's (metaphorical) heart was through his (literal) ribcage? The course of true love may not run smooth, but it runs hysterically in this screwball comedy.

  • Paul Donnelly: APEX PREDATOR

    Well that had my heart in my throat from beginning to end! Carnes creates a suspenseful narrative with a sympathetic central character and two monstrous, but credible antagonists. As the threat to Margaret escalates the horror grows more gripping and inescapable.

    Well that had my heart in my throat from beginning to end! Carnes creates a suspenseful narrative with a sympathetic central character and two monstrous, but credible antagonists. As the threat to Margaret escalates the horror grows more gripping and inescapable.

  • Paul Donnelly: Pix of Your Partner's Privates

    John's miscalculation leads to an awkward standoff at what was meant to be a sentimental parting. This couple is refreshing open about their sex and sexuality, yet their exchange is full of tension. We are left wondering how much will John really miss Shelly. John and Shelley are most engaging characters in a most engaging play.

    John's miscalculation leads to an awkward standoff at what was meant to be a sentimental parting. This couple is refreshing open about their sex and sexuality, yet their exchange is full of tension. We are left wondering how much will John really miss Shelly. John and Shelley are most engaging characters in a most engaging play.

  • Paul Donnelly: Only You Can Reject Jelly Beans

    A man predisposed toward loneliness finds his loneliness expands exponentially at the start of the pandemic. Otis's rationalizations and his coping strategy are touching and believable. This is a gentle and compelling portrait of a man and his jelly beans.

    A man predisposed toward loneliness finds his loneliness expands exponentially at the start of the pandemic. Otis's rationalizations and his coping strategy are touching and believable. This is a gentle and compelling portrait of a man and his jelly beans.

  • Paul Donnelly: One Fish Two Fish

    The lightening fast banter really propels this piece forward and engages the reader/viewer. Natasha is a towering comic creation and Joel grows into a worthy foil. Although Natasha should be very wary around a man who likes pineapple on his pizza.

    The lightening fast banter really propels this piece forward and engages the reader/viewer. Natasha is a towering comic creation and Joel grows into a worthy foil. Although Natasha should be very wary around a man who likes pineapple on his pizza.

  • Paul Donnelly: October Surprise (Ten Minute Version)

    Credible and compelling, especially in the current political climate where padded resumes seem almost to be the norm. George Santos is but an extreme example. The stakes are high here and the tension rises throughout. We know finally that a bomb has been dropped even if we don't see the full consequences.

    Credible and compelling, especially in the current political climate where padded resumes seem almost to be the norm. George Santos is but an extreme example. The stakes are high here and the tension rises throughout. We know finally that a bomb has been dropped even if we don't see the full consequences.

  • Paul Donnelly: Blood Pact

    It's only as the final twist plays out that it becomes clear how really high the stakes have been all along. Every level of Phillip's betrayal is progressively more horrifying and gripping, as is the conclusion to this spellbinding piece.

    It's only as the final twist plays out that it becomes clear how really high the stakes have been all along. Every level of Phillip's betrayal is progressively more horrifying and gripping, as is the conclusion to this spellbinding piece.

  • Paul Donnelly: Tesseract

    This is a simply and utterly devastating play. And I mean that as a salute to its power, its craft, its gripping narrative. The harrowing loss of a child is made all the more horrific by the discovery that the child's identity and their physical person have been violated. What is also devastating is the way that this play functions as a cautionary tale. The seizure of power by religious extremists and the erasure of trans people seems entirely possible in our current political climate. I say this as one who lives in Florida.

    This is a simply and utterly devastating play. And I mean that as a salute to its power, its craft, its gripping narrative. The harrowing loss of a child is made all the more horrific by the discovery that the child's identity and their physical person have been violated. What is also devastating is the way that this play functions as a cautionary tale. The seizure of power by religious extremists and the erasure of trans people seems entirely possible in our current political climate. I say this as one who lives in Florida.