Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: The Blowout

    What a spot-on homage to Neil Simon. A farcical situation filled with witty banter and physical humor and just enough heart. Well done.

    What a spot-on homage to Neil Simon. A farcical situation filled with witty banter and physical humor and just enough heart. Well done.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Naughty List

    What a delightfully deranged comedy. Tinsel wants a big career change and Tony is the one man who can make it possible. But can she convince him she's got the goods? There is so much fun to be had and so many witty lines on the way to the answer.

    What a delightfully deranged comedy. Tinsel wants a big career change and Tony is the one man who can make it possible. But can she convince him she's got the goods? There is so much fun to be had and so many witty lines on the way to the answer.

  • Paul Donnelly: When in Rome

    So much fun from so many different directions - the spoof of sword and sandal epics, the puns, the anachronisms, and my personal favorite, a nod to the musical Chicago. It has laugh out loud moments punctuated by giggles and groans. You would have to be a modern day Narcoleptis not to be convulsed with laughter throughout.

    So much fun from so many different directions - the spoof of sword and sandal epics, the puns, the anachronisms, and my personal favorite, a nod to the musical Chicago. It has laugh out loud moments punctuated by giggles and groans. You would have to be a modern day Narcoleptis not to be convulsed with laughter throughout.

  • Paul Donnelly: Stork Patrol

    I had the great pleasure of hearing this scathing satire of the hypocrisy of the "pro-life" movement on the Theatrical Shenanigans podcast. The witty premise of the play offers a dark look at the potential repercussions of forced birth with deep anger underlying the humor. The chilling conclusion really packs a wallop.

    I had the great pleasure of hearing this scathing satire of the hypocrisy of the "pro-life" movement on the Theatrical Shenanigans podcast. The witty premise of the play offers a dark look at the potential repercussions of forced birth with deep anger underlying the humor. The chilling conclusion really packs a wallop.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Resurrectionists

    What a dark and richly comic look at two soon to be reformed resurrectionists. The dialogue is a riot and the characters are as thoroughly entertaining as they are thoroughly reprehensible. It's fun to see their alternate plan begin to come to fruition at the end.

    What a dark and richly comic look at two soon to be reformed resurrectionists. The dialogue is a riot and the characters are as thoroughly entertaining as they are thoroughly reprehensible. It's fun to see their alternate plan begin to come to fruition at the end.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Zillion Kinds of Kisses

    Sexy, funny, and occasionally moving, this play takes the concept of the PDA to dizzying heights. And what a work-out for an intimacy coordinator! I would love to see this staged.

    Sexy, funny, and occasionally moving, this play takes the concept of the PDA to dizzying heights. And what a work-out for an intimacy coordinator! I would love to see this staged.

  • Paul Donnelly: Road Trip

    The old school map isn't all that's revealed to be not quite what it seems in this loopy farce. Every escalation in the absurdity brought new waves of laughter. That Mary ultimately takes charge is the perfect button.

    The old school map isn't all that's revealed to be not quite what it seems in this loopy farce. Every escalation in the absurdity brought new waves of laughter. That Mary ultimately takes charge is the perfect button.

  • Paul Donnelly: These Gilded Souls (A Great Gatsby)

    Part homage, part deconstruction, this always compelling take renders Gatsby eminently theatrical. The mix of jazz-age spectacle and repressed gender identity make for a kaleidoscopic experience. We see Nick struggle with who he himself is as much has he struggles to learn who Gatsby is. Kantor is to be congratulated on this thrilling achievement.

    Part homage, part deconstruction, this always compelling take renders Gatsby eminently theatrical. The mix of jazz-age spectacle and repressed gender identity make for a kaleidoscopic experience. We see Nick struggle with who he himself is as much has he struggles to learn who Gatsby is. Kantor is to be congratulated on this thrilling achievement.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Thatcher Theater Terror

    Beneath it's jovially spooky veneer, this is a heartwarming story of true friendship. It's also full of witty film jokes and even a Wizard of Oz homage. The final kicker puts exactly the right button on the whole proceedings.

    Beneath it's jovially spooky veneer, this is a heartwarming story of true friendship. It's also full of witty film jokes and even a Wizard of Oz homage. The final kicker puts exactly the right button on the whole proceedings.

  • Paul Donnelly: HUMAN REMAINS

    Quirky and absurd humor propel this cautionary tale for the greedy. Much comic gold can be spun by the actor playing all the varied subsidiary characters. It would be great fun to see this piece on its feet.

    Quirky and absurd humor propel this cautionary tale for the greedy. Much comic gold can be spun by the actor playing all the varied subsidiary characters. It would be great fun to see this piece on its feet.