Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: The Park Bench (5 minutes Monologue)

    A lovely and lyrical salute to the endurance of the human spirit. Despite his life circumstances, our unhoused speaker maintains a deep connection to nature and an optimistic outlook. There is a true spirit of Christmas at work here.

    A lovely and lyrical salute to the endurance of the human spirit. Despite his life circumstances, our unhoused speaker maintains a deep connection to nature and an optimistic outlook. There is a true spirit of Christmas at work here.

  • Paul Donnelly: This House

    Oh sure. Blame the house. This play very efficiently depicts the experience of two couples living in the same house at different times and sets up the expectation that a third couple will have a similar experience. The aging Estate Agent is a nice touch.

    Oh sure. Blame the house. This play very efficiently depicts the experience of two couples living in the same house at different times and sets up the expectation that a third couple will have a similar experience. The aging Estate Agent is a nice touch.

  • Paul Donnelly: We Don't Have Much Time

    Two unsympathetic seeming parents are revealed to be dealing with an enormous disruption to their lives in this poignant and effective short play. I felt for their son at every stage. I was also moved by the double meaning of the title.

    Two unsympathetic seeming parents are revealed to be dealing with an enormous disruption to their lives in this poignant and effective short play. I felt for their son at every stage. I was also moved by the double meaning of the title.

  • Paul Donnelly: Any Port in a Storm

    Could there be more than one storm a'brewin' in this quirky and highly original romantic comedy? Paige and the Handyman are both layered, complex and engaging characters. I was drawn in by their dynamic and deeply concerned about how their interaction would play out. I would love to see them brought to full life on the stage.

    Could there be more than one storm a'brewin' in this quirky and highly original romantic comedy? Paige and the Handyman are both layered, complex and engaging characters. I was drawn in by their dynamic and deeply concerned about how their interaction would play out. I would love to see them brought to full life on the stage.

  • Paul Donnelly: Beyond Neverland (A Lost Children Story)

    Two friends wistfully acknowledge the losses that come with the passage of time in their lives. The depth of their long-term friendship is evident and sustaining. The magic may be waning, but the core holds true. This is a subtly moving and highly engaging work.

    Two friends wistfully acknowledge the losses that come with the passage of time in their lives. The depth of their long-term friendship is evident and sustaining. The magic may be waning, but the core holds true. This is a subtly moving and highly engaging work.

  • Paul Donnelly: CHEESY

    Ah the travails of the artistic process, when actor and director seem at cross-purposes. There is no mistaking when Stanley has had enough of the process in this witty two-hander. Although I would like to speak out on behalf of Stilton.

    Ah the travails of the artistic process, when actor and director seem at cross-purposes. There is no mistaking when Stanley has had enough of the process in this witty two-hander. Although I would like to speak out on behalf of Stilton.

  • Paul Donnelly: EMANCIPATION (A One Minute Play)

    A lovely bit of misdirection keeps us from realizing at first that we are viewing liberated dieters. Ah but what sweet, sweet liberation! Dare I say Emancipation is one tasty morsel?

    A lovely bit of misdirection keeps us from realizing at first that we are viewing liberated dieters. Ah but what sweet, sweet liberation! Dare I say Emancipation is one tasty morsel?

  • Paul Donnelly: You Damn Well Can Take It With You

    Poor slightly delusional Ted attempts to use Egyptian funerial practices to lure back his ex-wife. While unsuccessful, Ted's stratagem is very funny. There is also something touching about his need and her patient response. The ending is equal parts affirming and humorous. This is a unique and engaging comedy.

    Poor slightly delusional Ted attempts to use Egyptian funerial practices to lure back his ex-wife. While unsuccessful, Ted's stratagem is very funny. There is also something touching about his need and her patient response. The ending is equal parts affirming and humorous. This is a unique and engaging comedy.

  • Paul Donnelly: Coff(ee)in

    I have to wonder if a blind date between a hunter and the hunted isn't really a metaphor for the whole process of dating. This blind date gets off to a rocky start with a late arrival, but a sweet chemistry develops and a second date is even considered. Then come the witty and engaging reveals that turn the whole proceeding on its head. This play is great fun throughout.

    I have to wonder if a blind date between a hunter and the hunted isn't really a metaphor for the whole process of dating. This blind date gets off to a rocky start with a late arrival, but a sweet chemistry develops and a second date is even considered. Then come the witty and engaging reveals that turn the whole proceeding on its head. This play is great fun throughout.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Doll for my Daughter

    Lisa's attempt to manage her grief through structure, not buying anything not on the list, fails in the face of her insupportable grief. She and Thomas are fortunate to be able to work through their grief together. This is a heart-rending play.

    Lisa's attempt to manage her grief through structure, not buying anything not on the list, fails in the face of her insupportable grief. She and Thomas are fortunate to be able to work through their grief together. This is a heart-rending play.