Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Cast List

    Perfectly captures the ambiance, the tension, the expectation surrounding the ritual posting of the cast list. Not every cast list posting has such a happy ending. Many lovely opportunities for non-verbal reactions.

    Perfectly captures the ambiance, the tension, the expectation surrounding the ritual posting of the cast list. Not every cast list posting has such a happy ending. Many lovely opportunities for non-verbal reactions.

  • Paul Donnelly: Writer's Block

    Levels within levels within levels. This is a complex and always absorbing depiction of ever shifting realities. In addition to the mystery of which narrative is "true," this play is bursting with humor, both in its depiction of two versions of the creative process and in its witty meta-theatrical moments.

    Levels within levels within levels. This is a complex and always absorbing depiction of ever shifting realities. In addition to the mystery of which narrative is "true," this play is bursting with humor, both in its depiction of two versions of the creative process and in its witty meta-theatrical moments.

  • Paul Donnelly: CONVERGENCE (A Different Christmas Story)

    Simultaneously charming and mysterious, Convergence takes an engagingly roundabout path to getting to the true spirit of Christmas. The family dynamics ring true and the appearance of the stranger is appropriately suspicious. Painful histories get sorted out, leading to a delightful ending.

    Simultaneously charming and mysterious, Convergence takes an engagingly roundabout path to getting to the true spirit of Christmas. The family dynamics ring true and the appearance of the stranger is appropriately suspicious. Painful histories get sorted out, leading to a delightful ending.

  • Paul Donnelly: Slaughter

    Tense, eerie, and always gripping, this complex and vividly theatrical play explores family dynamics in a totally unique way. It is also a reflection on how we communicate on both a literal and metaphorical level. There is great craft and imagination manifested in this work.

    Tense, eerie, and always gripping, this complex and vividly theatrical play explores family dynamics in a totally unique way. It is also a reflection on how we communicate on both a literal and metaphorical level. There is great craft and imagination manifested in this work.

  • Paul Donnelly: 15 Seconds

    This is a moving play of love discovered, love revealed, and love lost. A mother's grief is compounded by shock, but she is able to move to acceptance, however late, and regret for having kept a door closed for so long.

    This is a moving play of love discovered, love revealed, and love lost. A mother's grief is compounded by shock, but she is able to move to acceptance, however late, and regret for having kept a door closed for so long.

  • Paul Donnelly: Buried Treasures

    There's real texture and a true sense of shared history in the relationship between these two sisters. Life has been hard for them, making their struggle to connect all the more heart-rending. I hope the connection they eventually forge is enduring and sustaining, they deserve it.

    There's real texture and a true sense of shared history in the relationship between these two sisters. Life has been hard for them, making their struggle to connect all the more heart-rending. I hope the connection they eventually forge is enduring and sustaining, they deserve it.

  • Paul Donnelly: Down to the 'Fifty-Four'

    The failure to fit in leads to an effort to get in in this warm and engaging two-hander. Kevin embodies the spirit of "go big or go home,' while Nick tries to bring him back to reality. I left the play hoping Kevin would get into Studio 54!

    The failure to fit in leads to an effort to get in in this warm and engaging two-hander. Kevin embodies the spirit of "go big or go home,' while Nick tries to bring him back to reality. I left the play hoping Kevin would get into Studio 54!

  • Paul Donnelly: Aging Out

    Aging isn't easy at any age. Ron and Skip are believable, complex characters coming to the end of a mutually beneficial relationship. The dialogue is crisp and witty and the narrative, full of twists and turns, is always engaging.

    Aging isn't easy at any age. Ron and Skip are believable, complex characters coming to the end of a mutually beneficial relationship. The dialogue is crisp and witty and the narrative, full of twists and turns, is always engaging.

  • Paul Donnelly: Merry F***ing Christmas

    What seems like a benign haunting by a humorous spirit takes a chilling turn with a devastating reveal. This monologue certainly packs a punch.

    What seems like a benign haunting by a humorous spirit takes a chilling turn with a devastating reveal. This monologue certainly packs a punch.

  • Paul Donnelly: Grown-Ass Louis

    A lovely meditation on the endurance of and unique ways to cope with grief. The dream logic allows for powerful and at times humorous reflection.

    A lovely meditation on the endurance of and unique ways to cope with grief. The dream logic allows for powerful and at times humorous reflection.