Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Bacon With Dad

    The dream of a perfect simple morning with a beloved parent takes on added resonance when It is that parent's final day. The love between all three characters is palpable and moving. Jessie's dream of dad also helps her to move forward with a big commitment in her life. This is just a lovely play.

    The dream of a perfect simple morning with a beloved parent takes on added resonance when It is that parent's final day. The love between all three characters is palpable and moving. Jessie's dream of dad also helps her to move forward with a big commitment in her life. This is just a lovely play.

  • Paul Donnelly: Not THAT Steve Martin

    Poor Theodore doesn't stand a chance with the self-absorbed group of old friends into which he has been thrust. This is a sharp and witty portrait of a man isolated by the narcissism of his companions. And the image of having to plow through piles of "comfort food," makes Theodore's dilemma all the more delicious.

    Poor Theodore doesn't stand a chance with the self-absorbed group of old friends into which he has been thrust. This is a sharp and witty portrait of a man isolated by the narcissism of his companions. And the image of having to plow through piles of "comfort food," makes Theodore's dilemma all the more delicious.

  • Paul Donnelly: Fixed

    Two complex, compelling and deeply damaged souls collide in this intense and riveting two-hander. The revelation of what lies under each of their spiky exteriors is presented in fresh and nuanced ways. It is a great relief when Marrk is finally able to begin the process of inking Christy and gratifying to have shared their journey to that point.

    Two complex, compelling and deeply damaged souls collide in this intense and riveting two-hander. The revelation of what lies under each of their spiky exteriors is presented in fresh and nuanced ways. It is a great relief when Marrk is finally able to begin the process of inking Christy and gratifying to have shared their journey to that point.

  • Paul Donnelly: An Authentic Rembrandt

    Who better to authenticate a Rembrandt than Rembrandt himself? But, despite conjuring the great artist, Doreen finds things aren't that simple. She awes him with so many modern technologies, but it is the technology that ultimately provides her answer. In Doreen's quest we learn about the connection between Rembrandt's life and his art and are allowed to contemplate the nature of genius.

    Who better to authenticate a Rembrandt than Rembrandt himself? But, despite conjuring the great artist, Doreen finds things aren't that simple. She awes him with so many modern technologies, but it is the technology that ultimately provides her answer. In Doreen's quest we learn about the connection between Rembrandt's life and his art and are allowed to contemplate the nature of genius.

  • Paul Donnelly: Roanoke Colony Homeowners Association

    A scathingly funny look at modern sensibilities layered over a historical context. Did what happened to the Roanoke Colony spring from bureaucratic incompetence? RCHOA makes the imaginative and entertaining case that it could have.

    A scathingly funny look at modern sensibilities layered over a historical context. Did what happened to the Roanoke Colony spring from bureaucratic incompetence? RCHOA makes the imaginative and entertaining case that it could have.

  • Paul Donnelly: Batman Vs. The Person Stealing Out of the Work Fridge

    This is hilarious! Flat out hilarious. The world is changing around poor Batman and he just can't keep up. The satire of super hero tropes is matched by the satire of office bureaucracy. The wit at play here is just dazzling.

    This is hilarious! Flat out hilarious. The world is changing around poor Batman and he just can't keep up. The satire of super hero tropes is matched by the satire of office bureaucracy. The wit at play here is just dazzling.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Night on the Bridge

    The spare and lyrical dialogue of this supremely moving play seduces the reader and heightens the impact of the narrative. This chance meeting between strangers is fraught with meaning and changes the course of their lives. This is a very special piece.

    The spare and lyrical dialogue of this supremely moving play seduces the reader and heightens the impact of the narrative. This chance meeting between strangers is fraught with meaning and changes the course of their lives. This is a very special piece.

  • Paul Donnelly: You'll be Missed, Stephen Sondheim

    So much of the narrator's rich and sometimes painful life is revealed in this ostensible tribute to Stephen Sondheim. Not that Sondheim isn't well and deservedly lauded, but this monologue offers a great deal more in its short run time.

    So much of the narrator's rich and sometimes painful life is revealed in this ostensible tribute to Stephen Sondheim. Not that Sondheim isn't well and deservedly lauded, but this monologue offers a great deal more in its short run time.

  • Paul Donnelly: Backyard Stonehenge

    How heartening that TJ's goofy effort to make up for his major slip up ultimately works. We see the stressors on this relationship, but we also see that it is built to last.

    How heartening that TJ's goofy effort to make up for his major slip up ultimately works. We see the stressors on this relationship, but we also see that it is built to last.

  • Paul Donnelly: SURPRISE ON A BENCH (a 10 minute play)

    What seems to be a charming moment of connection and discovery is turned on its head by the shocking, but wholly credible last line. A line that suggests a range of possibilities that could lead to animated post-show debates. I found myself wondering, "what does he really want?"

    What seems to be a charming moment of connection and discovery is turned on its head by the shocking, but wholly credible last line. A line that suggests a range of possibilities that could lead to animated post-show debates. I found myself wondering, "what does he really want?"