In "Gummy Worm," Nathaniel Foster captures the bravado and vulnerability of teens with incisive and satirical ease. Each of these characters has a powerful and different and unique arc, and to see the friend group splinter and then heal felt natural and well-earned. I also loved the natural-but-just-a-bit-heightened world of the play. It deals with sex, sexuality, and coming of age in a way that respects its protagonists but doesn't let them off the hook, all the while illuminating the social forces that stigmatize and prevent valid sex education in the US.
In "Gummy Worm," Nathaniel Foster captures the bravado and vulnerability of teens with incisive and satirical ease. Each of these characters has a powerful and different and unique arc, and to see the friend group splinter and then heal felt natural and well-earned. I also loved the natural-but-just-a-bit-heightened world of the play. It deals with sex, sexuality, and coming of age in a way that respects its protagonists but doesn't let them off the hook, all the while illuminating the social forces that stigmatize and prevent valid sex education in the US.