In this piece, McIntosh captures the inelegant natural rhythms of human speech so well and gives us a sizable ensemble of distinct and dynamic roles for young women. The play's descent from lighthearted, sharp satire to something more sinister is compelling and earned. The exploration of misogyny, double standards, and ways inequitable and corrupt systems pit women against one another within academic theater, the theater industry as a whole, and the world at large is complex and nuanced. The thematic/figurative connections with MACBETH itself come to a brilliant head in the final moments!
In this piece, McIntosh captures the inelegant natural rhythms of human speech so well and gives us a sizable ensemble of distinct and dynamic roles for young women. The play's descent from lighthearted, sharp satire to something more sinister is compelling and earned. The exploration of misogyny, double standards, and ways inequitable and corrupt systems pit women against one another within academic theater, the theater industry as a whole, and the world at large is complex and nuanced. The thematic/figurative connections with MACBETH itself come to a brilliant head in the final moments!