Recommended by Jacqueline Goldfinger

  • Heartland
    9 Aug. 2018
    Put this one on your reading list today. I cried reading an early draft. From that draft to this one, the play has grown even stronger. Gorgeously drawn characters, firmly rooted in their own truth, trying to move forward in a socially progressive way but always - as all of us are - heartbreakingly constrained by our life experiences. However, there is a huge power in the striving for love, for understanding, for forgiveness, for a better world for all people - and Gabe brings all of that passion and power to the stage. A beautiful new play!
    8 Aug. 2018
    Outstanding way to tackle the thorny issues of mentorship and professional boundaries. This writer clearly excels at taking tough, complex issues and turning them into a sensational theatrical experience. Add this to your reading list today.
  • Thrive, Or What You Will [an epic]
    8 Aug. 2018
    Fans of ANGELS IN AMERICA, AN OCTOROON or CLOUD 9 should read this play immediately. (So should everyone else, but we'll begin with those folx.) A sophisticated disco ball of history - reflecting, re-shaping, and omitting moments until the play spins with questions of identity, colonization, the hoax of privilege and more - yet also manages moments of terrific humor and entertainment. Who knew that a play set in the 18th Century would be more potent and provocative than any play set today. Very highly recommend!
  • form of a girl unknown
    8 Aug. 2018
    I cannot wait to see this on-stage! Poetic, laugh out loud funny, and completely cringeworthy - everyone who has been a 12-year-old will recognize the painful transformation from child to young adult portrayed here with humor, honesty and heart. Women will have particular moments of recognition, but all audiences will be drawn into the world of the captivating, curious, still-child-almost-not Amali who struggles to navigate one of the most challenging transitions in our lifetimes, and learns that, perhaps, the transition is all there is; it's not the ending, but the journey that matters.
  • The Wake
    8 Aug. 2018
    Beautiful family drama, set at the eye of both emotional and literal storms, whose gorgeous imagery and complex familial relationships will bring you back, again and again, to question the wisdom of ties that bind. There are no heroines in this family, nor are there villains. Only gorgeously and lovingly drawn characters who each hold fragments of their family puzzle; each longing for acknowledgement, forgiveness, and redemption in their own way. Definitely add this one to your reading list.
  • SHIP
    6 Aug. 2018
    Sharp, witty, with a huge heart and characters that you will fall in love with, this playwright has carved a comedic suburban jewel out of the rough stone of lower middle class strip mall life. If you’re a fan of films like SLACKER, CLERKS, MALLRATS, and SLUMS OF BEVERLY HILLS - or you just enjoy great storytelling with laughs - this play is for you.
  • Things You Can Do
    6 Aug. 2018
    I want to bathe in this writer’s words. There is an elegance to her dialogue that makes me want to stay in her world, even after the play ends. Given the overwhelming national and international events in our world today, Stevie’s struggle to find her place in a rapidly changing world and feel like she can make a positive impact that breaks through the constant noise, is vitally relevant. All audiences will connect with her need to find personal fulfillment in a world where the rug is constantly pulled out (or melts away) from beneath her.
  • Rocket Sex Magic
    6 Aug. 2018
    Leave it to David Lee White to take three things I hate - physics, cults and sex talk in public - and turn it into an irresistible play chocked full of friendship, laughs and enlightenment. Slyly funny and warmly irreverent, I’ve seen a number of productions of White’s plays at Passage Theatre and I wish he was produced more. His work always provides a safe and generous space to laugh and question our society’s ideas of “norms,” and gives my husband and I something to discuss for weeks to come.
  • Safe at Home
    6 Aug. 2018
    Truly unique and urgent piece that demands to be staged right now. The writers create a taunt, rich drama that deftly explores the complex mythology of The American Dream via the Most American Sport (baseball) through the lens of immigration politics and the immigrant experience (with a few explosively funny moments). The characters are beautifully drawn, and they transcend the “taking heads political news” arguments to dive deep into the layered and nuanced contradictions and complications that we find in honest discussions of what it means to be an American.
  • mother's son
    5 Aug. 2018
    Definitely read this play. This gentle and sweeping tale of a parent rebuilding their dead child - fragment by fragment, memory by memory - is beautifully told. Bursting with humor and life, the writer’s refreshing perspective and vivid characters keep us in rapt attention throughout the piece, and gives us something to talk about on the way home. Really looking forward to seeing this staged!!
