I confess: on several occasions I have described the entire plot of this play to people and each time I did, I cried. Doublewide is a profoundly moving, hysterically funny, sometimes brilliantly random, edge-of-your-seat suspenseful family story that occasionally makes you say "damn..." out loud.
Don't be fooled by the title. This is not a Killer-Joe-style white-trash-living-in-the-outskirts-of-the-underbelly-of-society yarn. Doublewide is an honest, unpretentious look at hard-working decent working-class folk striving for a better life. Marital, multi-generational, and societal dynamics...
I confess: on several occasions I have described the entire plot of this play to people and each time I did, I cried. Doublewide is a profoundly moving, hysterically funny, sometimes brilliantly random, edge-of-your-seat suspenseful family story that occasionally makes you say "damn..." out loud.
Don't be fooled by the title. This is not a Killer-Joe-style white-trash-living-in-the-outskirts-of-the-underbelly-of-society yarn. Doublewide is an honest, unpretentious look at hard-working decent working-class folk striving for a better life. Marital, multi-generational, and societal dynamics seamlessly blend in a tapestry of wonderful characters. It's a gem that will split your sides and break your heart.