Heartbreaking. In a small, literally confined space, Gonzalez creates a classic conflict that absolutely rings true. We know the barest details about these characters, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we get to see the love, and hear the struggle and heartbreak in Gonzalez' words. This is an age old story about one man's attempts to prevent the other from making the mistakes he made—told in a fresh and contemporary way. A clarion call to all of us to change the system if we can.
Heartbreaking. In a small, literally confined space, Gonzalez creates a classic conflict that absolutely rings true. We know the barest details about these characters, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we get to see the love, and hear the struggle and heartbreak in Gonzalez' words. This is an age old story about one man's attempts to prevent the other from making the mistakes he made—told in a fresh and contemporary way. A clarion call to all of us to change the system if we can.