Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Making theatre is what I do. The artistic mind of a playwright is simply taking experiences from the lively world, put it on paper and throw it on the stage for others to see, feel and change or just understand. to me, plays are about taking a journey to a certain destination in which we aren't sure about until we get there and realized it's inevitable.

As an Artist, from performing to writing I've always had some type of motive. whether it's for me or someone else, every project reflects something. I have written plays in the genre of drama and comedy. My plays usually consist of my cultural background as a Haitian immigrant. I aim to show family struggles and values from the Caribbean such as AT THE WELL, I have written other plays that have nothing to do with my culture but simply showing the human side of people and their lives. I aim to educate and or entertain others by simply presenting a story. I am also a Christian playwright who uses my plays as a way to give someone hope for a better life or future. I also use my work as a way to evangelize to others about the goodness of The Lord and the Gospel of Christ who saved us all.