Recommended by Donna Hoke

  • The Super Variety Match Bonus Round!
    13 Apr. 2020
    I've heard recently from contest readers that plays featuring parents coping with loss of a child are a current trend; when trends like that happen, the ones that rise up are the ones that are able to find ways to tell those stories with a unique voice, theatricality and, most of all, humor. This play does all that and then some, and I fear the only limitation in reading it was my own imagination. What a ride this must be on stage!
  • Obama-ology
    11 Apr. 2020
    I've been wanting to read this play for so long and I'm so grateful that Aurin has a full copy on NPX. This piece is so brilliantly satisfying in every way and even though the events of it take place nearly twelve years ago, it couldn't remain more relevant. Theatrical, concise, moving, funny, provocative and, most of all, true, this piece deserves more life.
  • It's Always the Quiet Ones
    11 Apr. 2020
    Hilarious even without the multiple twist endings! Great comedic short for any festival!
  • This Almost Joy
    11 Apr. 2020
    What a brilliant and delicious conceit. If we, the audience knows we are real, what the hell is going on on stage? Confounding, provoking, and funny!
  • Apples in Winter
    10 Apr. 2020
    I had this play on my reading list for a while but I'm now in the early stages of prepping to write a one-woman show so I finally read it. And now I feel completely unworthy to write a one-woman show because I don't feel like I could ever write one as perfect as this one. Everything about it does exactly what it should do and so exquisitely. An amazing piece of work.
  • A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: A Climate Change Comedy
    8 Apr. 2020
    So interesting to read this in April 2020 as global warming gets put on the back burner so we can deal with disaster of another kind. Through that lens, this play becomes about more than climate change and instead reveals itself to be a universal illustration of how we face the unknown and how desperately we try to cling to normalcy in the face of it. Resonant on so many levels and a fascinating read in that regard.
  • You Can Thank Me Later (Audio Play)
    8 Apr. 2020
    This play was recommended reading for audio plays and it doesn't disappoint! Sound effects, visuals for the imagination, and high stakes. Wonderful.
    6 Apr. 2020
    I love the relationship between Robbie and Jason because it highlights what should be so simple about human connections and which gets so complicated by perception. The way Nick plays that that perception is so brilliant and illuminates so much of what can become problematic when we cast too hard an eye on any of it. Beautiful.
  • Kafka and the Doll
    28 Mar. 2020
    This is such a lovely story full of such love on so many different levels. I love Franz's gift to Sofie and all the learning and loving that happens. And so much for designers to play with that could really make this a most magical show! Will be following this play's journey for sure!
  • Just A Rumor
    3 Feb. 2020
    Having just spent a year researching Viv and Larry, I was eager to read this play and wasn't disappointed. I loved the immersion into old Hollywood and particularly the themes of what emerges as truth years after the fact. Most enjoyable!
