Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

Artist Statement by B.V. Marshall
Writing plays is a blister, a twister, A fuck-your-sister up mister, Circling discipline’s gilded whip, Waiting for you to ship Of that hip-hop rip off trip Nothing you can do can stop me creating Refuse me entrance into your clique? Will that stop me? Think My interest lies in writing the best plays I possibly can. It’s the way we wuz raised, To believe in things larger than ourselves, By the way the shades of grey flow. So, Despite of and because of all my formal schooling tooling in workshops and festivals, my interest lies not reaching for prizes or writing for TV, but in the skies of imagination, form, precision and verse, In that way, conversely, I write quicker, deeper, truer, sweeter and succinter than loping along in prose. I write the kind of plays I want to see. I can pen plays straight like in -line skating. I just prefer the hyper – metaphorical figure eights. (Who knows if some disgruntled doppelganger has infected my soul with his or her ghost?) Since all too often what a man toasts is not what he means and all he stands for is in his dreams. An idiosyncratic application like this indicates either his full- throttle ballsy creativity or insolence to the Nth degree. You think it queer to pen a statement of interest in this manner? Yo, I’m not Flannery O’Conner. The plays I’m creatin’ are deeper, darker, harder. I need the solid of solitude as my muse and the muse is the muscle to move.
If you prefer an artistic statement in prose, I do have one. But this one is a heck of a lot more fun.