Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: I Am He

    Knocked the breath right out of me. And a few tears as well. There is a neverending depth to the grief portrayed here. Deb snuck an intense interaction right under my nose with casual, natural dialogue. Before I knew it, I was breathless. Amazing.

    Knocked the breath right out of me. And a few tears as well. There is a neverending depth to the grief portrayed here. Deb snuck an intense interaction right under my nose with casual, natural dialogue. Before I knew it, I was breathless. Amazing.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Hundred Acre War Crime

    What a twisted version of beloved childhood characters The Hundred Acre War was. this follow up is incredible!! A chilling examination at the horrors of war and the advances of science that stem from dark places.

    What a twisted version of beloved childhood characters The Hundred Acre War was. this follow up is incredible!! A chilling examination at the horrors of war and the advances of science that stem from dark places.

  • Christopher Soucy: His Story: A Monologue

    Beautifully articulated. Heartbreaking and love affirming. This is art about the purpose of art. Finding a truth and telling it with love.

    Beautifully articulated. Heartbreaking and love affirming. This is art about the purpose of art. Finding a truth and telling it with love.

  • Christopher Soucy: Lady Business (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)

    Deb meets the challenge dead on. And it’s great! The Greeks had the 5 ages of men, well Deb gives us the four ages of women -sorry, humans- and it is a testimony to the ravages of hormones upon our fragile biological ecosystem. So much fun!

    Deb meets the challenge dead on. And it’s great! The Greeks had the 5 ages of men, well Deb gives us the four ages of women -sorry, humans- and it is a testimony to the ravages of hormones upon our fragile biological ecosystem. So much fun!

  • Christopher Soucy: Bedtime Story

    Pitch perfect. A true domestic thriller. Debra has so skillfully wrapped a morality tale in a trials of modern life story. I truly appreciate how intimate the scene work in them play is. Congrats, Deb, on a lovely short play.

    Pitch perfect. A true domestic thriller. Debra has so skillfully wrapped a morality tale in a trials of modern life story. I truly appreciate how intimate the scene work in them play is. Congrats, Deb, on a lovely short play.

  • Christopher Soucy: HARPSICH0RD, a gaming monologue

    Powerful indictment of the allure of anonymity and the toxicity of masculine privilege. Sam Heyman has written a thoughtful treatise on what it means to be a member of a community that, for all of its good points, fails to rise to the occasion. This is a monologue to chew on and should be produced everywhere.

    Powerful indictment of the allure of anonymity and the toxicity of masculine privilege. Sam Heyman has written a thoughtful treatise on what it means to be a member of a community that, for all of its good points, fails to rise to the occasion. This is a monologue to chew on and should be produced everywhere.

  • Christopher Soucy: A Playwright Asks... "What if?" PART TWO

    The struggle is real! I have slowly conditioned myself into a weird sort of self reliance that makes me hesitant to work with anyone… Sam has captured the path to that lonely creator status. Painful and hopeful, this piece speaks to anyone who has relied upon, and been let down by, other artists.

    The struggle is real! I have slowly conditioned myself into a weird sort of self reliance that makes me hesitant to work with anyone… Sam has captured the path to that lonely creator status. Painful and hopeful, this piece speaks to anyone who has relied upon, and been let down by, other artists.

  • Christopher Soucy: Lady of the Manor

    Debra gives us an unconventional family reunion in this quirky little play about class structure and how fragile it really is. A nice Jack knife turn is accomplished skillfully in a matter of pages. Brava!

    Debra gives us an unconventional family reunion in this quirky little play about class structure and how fragile it really is. A nice Jack knife turn is accomplished skillfully in a matter of pages. Brava!

  • Christopher Soucy: The Weight, a Monologue

    Training for grief is a pastime often referred to as art. And Molly Canu has created a well crafted routine for us. That we can relate to this monologue speaks volumes to our capacity to feel and fear feeling.

    Training for grief is a pastime often referred to as art. And Molly Canu has created a well crafted routine for us. That we can relate to this monologue speaks volumes to our capacity to feel and fear feeling.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Right Thing

    I am absolutely gobsmacked! A billion points to Rachel! My eyes are not worthy to read her work! Wow. Double wow. I literally noped out of doing this prompt. And here it is in all it’s glory! Huzzah and hurrah!

    I am absolutely gobsmacked! A billion points to Rachel! My eyes are not worthy to read her work! Wow. Double wow. I literally noped out of doing this prompt. And here it is in all it’s glory! Huzzah and hurrah!