Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Come Dawn

    War is hell. And it makes devils out of men. Worse than the actions taken are the corruptions of the soul. It is often difficult to remember what makes us human in the first place on the battlefield.

    War is hell. And it makes devils out of men. Worse than the actions taken are the corruptions of the soul. It is often difficult to remember what makes us human in the first place on the battlefield.

  • Christopher Soucy: Barbarian

    A brilliant peek into a much larger story. How utterly chilling for destiny to come calling so definitively. Prillaman has a gift for bloody tales that leaves you wanting more. I love how quickly we are in and out of a perfectly rendered world. One that I long to revisit.

    A brilliant peek into a much larger story. How utterly chilling for destiny to come calling so definitively. Prillaman has a gift for bloody tales that leaves you wanting more. I love how quickly we are in and out of a perfectly rendered world. One that I long to revisit.

  • Christopher Soucy: Heart Attack

    A non-traditional meet-cute. I would love to read more adventures of Cindy and Sharon as they take down a common nemesis. This was a thoroughly enjoyable tale of two women wronged finding comfort in one another.

    A non-traditional meet-cute. I would love to read more adventures of Cindy and Sharon as they take down a common nemesis. This was a thoroughly enjoyable tale of two women wronged finding comfort in one another.

  • Christopher Soucy: Flying Solo

    As a devout Star Wars fan, I loved this play. It’s a testimony to dreamers and how they express themselves. So often we are guilty of escapism, but what do we escape from? Where do we escape to? How do we express who we wish we were to those who are in this journey with us? DC Cathro gives us a sly look at the possible answers.

    As a devout Star Wars fan, I loved this play. It’s a testimony to dreamers and how they express themselves. So often we are guilty of escapism, but what do we escape from? Where do we escape to? How do we express who we wish we were to those who are in this journey with us? DC Cathro gives us a sly look at the possible answers.

  • Christopher Soucy: Play In The Rain

    What an intense journey this short play takes us on. So many things in life are overwhelming. Painful. And in our attempts to deal with those things we forget to breathe and be alive. Parents protect. Kids rebel. And in a perfect world, we would all have more control of our lives. Joe Swenson gives us a look at the prisons we build for those we love, because we love. And he shows us how to unlock the doors.

    What an intense journey this short play takes us on. So many things in life are overwhelming. Painful. And in our attempts to deal with those things we forget to breathe and be alive. Parents protect. Kids rebel. And in a perfect world, we would all have more control of our lives. Joe Swenson gives us a look at the prisons we build for those we love, because we love. And he shows us how to unlock the doors.

  • Christopher Soucy: Kingdom of Animals

    This is a solid two hander. There’s is a palpable tension here. The themes of family secrets, threats of exposure, self denial, generational and religious trauma are all tightly packed into this potent one act.

    This is a solid two hander. There’s is a palpable tension here. The themes of family secrets, threats of exposure, self denial, generational and religious trauma are all tightly packed into this potent one act.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Ghost Tour

    A new classic urban legend unfolds. Lou Jones turns up the creepy in this play. A perfect addition to any night of spooky entertainment!

    A new classic urban legend unfolds. Lou Jones turns up the creepy in this play. A perfect addition to any night of spooky entertainment!

  • Christopher Soucy: Woman on a Ladder

    A ladder helps us reach places we cannot reach on our own. They can be scary. They present risk. Bethany Assaf has crafted a wonderful short play that examines why we take risks.

    A ladder helps us reach places we cannot reach on our own. They can be scary. They present risk. Bethany Assaf has crafted a wonderful short play that examines why we take risks.

  • Christopher Soucy: We Don't Have Much Time

    So much is uncovered in so little time. It sinks in once it is over. And you realize this wealth of character, plot, and tragedy. Well played, Lou Jones, well played!

    So much is uncovered in so little time. It sinks in once it is over. And you realize this wealth of character, plot, and tragedy. Well played, Lou Jones, well played!

  • Christopher Soucy: Of Garden Gnomes and Other Tragedies

    Well, this is just silly. In the best possible way! A great fairy tale to tell the kids… or actually, no. Don’t tell the kids. Just enjoy the fun. Scott Sickles has an ingenious knack for creating deep connections between characters. In this short play we get a fully formed tale, both familiar and wildly original.

    Well, this is just silly. In the best possible way! A great fairy tale to tell the kids… or actually, no. Don’t tell the kids. Just enjoy the fun. Scott Sickles has an ingenious knack for creating deep connections between characters. In this short play we get a fully formed tale, both familiar and wildly original.