Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Crisis Exercise

    This hurts. Our children are refugees. Combat veterans. We ask them to grow up as targets. We ask them to get used to the headlines, the danger. We let them down with every opportunity we should make them safe. Jill strikes to the heart of the new normal. And with that strike all our hearts break.

    This hurts. Our children are refugees. Combat veterans. We ask them to grow up as targets. We ask them to get used to the headlines, the danger. We let them down with every opportunity we should make them safe. Jill strikes to the heart of the new normal. And with that strike all our hearts break.

  • Christopher Soucy: Tax Preparation for Dogs (3 short plays about the hard-of-hearing)

    Hilarious. And just in time to give me anxiety over impending tax issues. Any drummer would be exhausted from all the rimshots necessary for this loaded short piece! John Busser is doggone funny!

    Hilarious. And just in time to give me anxiety over impending tax issues. Any drummer would be exhausted from all the rimshots necessary for this loaded short piece! John Busser is doggone funny!

  • Christopher Soucy: A Kiss is Just a Kiss

    There are hints of tragedy in this sweet short play. But those hints only tease at the triumph of hope that ultimately prevails. There is a time in everyone’s life when the decision to be who we are is made. Sometimes, it happens without notice. Sometimes it happens after great deliberation. And if we are lucky, we realize that we have many chance to make the decision again.

    There are hints of tragedy in this sweet short play. But those hints only tease at the triumph of hope that ultimately prevails. There is a time in everyone’s life when the decision to be who we are is made. Sometimes, it happens without notice. Sometimes it happens after great deliberation. And if we are lucky, we realize that we have many chance to make the decision again.

  • Christopher Soucy: Guilt by Association

    What would we do differently when given a chance? Have we learned enough to pass on the lessons of our own doubt and heartache? Baker gives us a hopeful scenario where a father tries to be there for his son in earnest. There is warmth and hope in this piece, as well as pain and anguish.

    What would we do differently when given a chance? Have we learned enough to pass on the lessons of our own doubt and heartache? Baker gives us a hopeful scenario where a father tries to be there for his son in earnest. There is warmth and hope in this piece, as well as pain and anguish.

  • Christopher Soucy: This Year

    You can pretty much guarantee when the apocalypse is in full swing there will be employers complaining about “quiet quitting.” This play is both hilarious and depressing. An impressive feat. Greg Lam gives us an unadulterated look at our all to certain fates.

    You can pretty much guarantee when the apocalypse is in full swing there will be employers complaining about “quiet quitting.” This play is both hilarious and depressing. An impressive feat. Greg Lam gives us an unadulterated look at our all to certain fates.

  • Christopher Soucy: Water: A Fish Tale

    Young love is a strange and wondrous thing. More strange than wondrous sometimes. And in this case, the strange is hilarious, and the wondrous is too. I’d there was an award for “did not see that coming” Hannah deserves to win it!

    Young love is a strange and wondrous thing. More strange than wondrous sometimes. And in this case, the strange is hilarious, and the wondrous is too. I’d there was an award for “did not see that coming” Hannah deserves to win it!

  • Christopher Soucy: Not Getting Old

    Edna is a marvel! Reversing the clock with a simple decision. Acting one’s age is just acting. Choosing who we are, how we approach the world, and even what age we want to be are glorious choices that Edna shows us how to make!

    Edna is a marvel! Reversing the clock with a simple decision. Acting one’s age is just acting. Choosing who we are, how we approach the world, and even what age we want to be are glorious choices that Edna shows us how to make!

  • Christopher Soucy: The All-New Dating Game! Video Game Edition

    What’s not to love about this adorable parody? Taking on the tropes of our favorite video game characters as they try to win love. This is the perfect intersection of theater geek and video game geek.

    What’s not to love about this adorable parody? Taking on the tropes of our favorite video game characters as they try to win love. This is the perfect intersection of theater geek and video game geek.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Curious Tale of Marston Moore's Untimely Demise

    What a thrill ride! What a sweet depiction of the pearly gates and the expectation defying encounters Marston finds there! Such a fun show.

    What a thrill ride! What a sweet depiction of the pearly gates and the expectation defying encounters Marston finds there! Such a fun show.

  • Christopher Soucy: A ROOM WITH A BIT OF MAGIC (a monologue)

    The magic of theater is on full display in this sweet, relatable monologue. Sometimes we forget how magical the theater is, so it is nice to have pieces like this to remind us. Is the perfect monologue for the unconventional actor looking to express the passion and the transformational power of theater arts.

    The magic of theater is on full display in this sweet, relatable monologue. Sometimes we forget how magical the theater is, so it is nice to have pieces like this to remind us. Is the perfect monologue for the unconventional actor looking to express the passion and the transformational power of theater arts.