Recommended by Marj O'Neill-Butler

  • The Naughty List
    14 Aug. 2020
    This is such a nice twist on those cute little Santa's elves you read about. Tinsel wants in and nothing is going to stop her. A fun piece.
  • EVERYDAY AVIATION: A Play for Videoconference
    9 Aug. 2020
    I saw a video production of this play by Theatre Three. It knocks you over the head with its simplicity and complexity. Living in the time of the pandemic. We all need to remember Grandpa's line: "I lived in a foxhole for a it worse than that?" We can survive.
  • Indelible
    5 Aug. 2020
    What a great and romantic play with two guys unsure about committing to each other. The dialogue is real and unaffected, and there are multiple laugh aloud lines. An O'Henry story in modern times. Perfect play for any shorts festival.
    5 Aug. 2020
    This is a warm and sweet story about how very few words and a bottle of water can turn into magic. it's a short piece and an ideal audition monologue. Read it and believe.
  • The Grout Fairy
    3 Aug. 2020
    This is a sweet play and every woman can identify with cleaning before the mother-in-law shows up. Bonus is the Grout Fairy, a clumsy, tutu wearing man with a wand. Fun twist at the end too.
  • You Can Bake! (a short Zoom play)
    1 Aug. 2020
    This is a perfect "Zoom"play peopled by great characters and a funny situation. You can feel Lila's frustration as the baking recipe she is teaching goes wrong, very wrong.
  • Before The Fire
    31 Jul. 2020
    This is a scary short piece. There are ugly words in it that I would never think of, nor use. But it feels so real, given the period it's set in. But the ugly part is it could take place today anywhere in this country. When will it stop...we need the slogan that came out of Auschwitz: Never Again.
    16 Jul. 2020
    Oh, I have been there. Stressed beyond measure with family and work. Carnes work though, in these three monologues, is more than the trials of being a Mom and a teacher. There's humor and pathos and the joy of being in the midst of a family. Great roles for females.
  • Tiny Empty Nest
    5 Jul. 2020
    This is a fantastic take on a couple finding their way after their lives are greatly disrupted by change. It's fanciful, and a real challenge to produce, but a wonderful idea with three great characters.
  • Recipe (a Zoom play)
    28 Jun. 2020
    Family disfunction and love...this play is a lovely slice of life which take place during the weekly Zoom meeting with a family of five. Very touching.
