Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Adam Richter: Bearly Coping

    Not only is this a sweet and funny 10-minute play that audiences would eat up like a bear devouring honey, but "Bearly Coping" makes great use of public-domain literature in a surprising and original — and, I must add, genius — way.

    Not only is this a sweet and funny 10-minute play that audiences would eat up like a bear devouring honey, but "Bearly Coping" makes great use of public-domain literature in a surprising and original — and, I must add, genius — way.

  • Adam Richter: The Checkout Line

    A razor-sharp satire that has one of the characters asking all the cringy questions you have either wanted to ask or worse, been in a position to answer. Why can't we just allow people to live their lives, even when they're ghosts?

    A razor-sharp satire that has one of the characters asking all the cringy questions you have either wanted to ask or worse, been in a position to answer. Why can't we just allow people to live their lives, even when they're ghosts?

  • Adam Richter: Eight Drafts of a Letter Never Sent (Ten Minute Play)

    This is a masterfully crafted play about the long tail of grief and how the sting of a loved one's death never fully subsides, even after decades. A live performance would be a great experience for actors and audiences alike.

    This is a masterfully crafted play about the long tail of grief and how the sting of a loved one's death never fully subsides, even after decades. A live performance would be a great experience for actors and audiences alike.


    "Intentions Matter" is a tender and heartbreaking play about an intensely complicated stepfather-daughter relationship. What I loved about this play is how Jack Levine doesn't show any of the traumatic events but instead gives us the character's responses after the fact. (Yeah, yeah, I know: "Show, don't tell." Nuts to that.)

    The result is we get to experience the emotional aftermath, and the experience is all the richer for it.

    Well done, Jack!

    "Intentions Matter" is a tender and heartbreaking play about an intensely complicated stepfather-daughter relationship. What I loved about this play is how Jack Levine doesn't show any of the traumatic events but instead gives us the character's responses after the fact. (Yeah, yeah, I know: "Show, don't tell." Nuts to that.)

    The result is we get to experience the emotional aftermath, and the experience is all the richer for it.

    Well done, Jack!

  • Adam Richter: He Said It With Flowers (Monologue)

    There's so much to unpack in this seemingly straightforward monologue about a cheating husband (with terrible taste in Valentine's Day gifts, IMHO). Performers and audiences alike would be well-served by this compact but layered (and brilliantly funny) monologue. Great work!

    There's so much to unpack in this seemingly straightforward monologue about a cheating husband (with terrible taste in Valentine's Day gifts, IMHO). Performers and audiences alike would be well-served by this compact but layered (and brilliantly funny) monologue. Great work!

  • Adam Richter: Dissolution (a monologue)

    If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself. Unfortunately, Gerta's job requires two people, and Doolittle is clearly not the right man for the job. I loved the righteous anger, impatience and thirst that explodes from Gerta's short and laugh-out-loud funny (though not to Doolittle) speech.

    And you know — KNOW — that he's going to come back with the wrong soda. But that's giving away too much.

    Bravo, Scott!

    If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself. Unfortunately, Gerta's job requires two people, and Doolittle is clearly not the right man for the job. I loved the righteous anger, impatience and thirst that explodes from Gerta's short and laugh-out-loud funny (though not to Doolittle) speech.

    And you know — KNOW — that he's going to come back with the wrong soda. But that's giving away too much.

    Bravo, Scott!

  • Adam Richter: Childhood Home

    The punchline in this brilliant one-minute play delivers so perfectly because the setup leads you to believe there's no punchline at all. This is an absolutely amazing story of homecoming and homesickness. Brilliant!

    The punchline in this brilliant one-minute play delivers so perfectly because the setup leads you to believe there's no punchline at all. This is an absolutely amazing story of homecoming and homesickness. Brilliant!

  • Adam Richter: Timing is Everythi– (a monologue)

    Scott Sickles knows how deliver an emotional gut punch with the force of a wrecking ball, and here he does it in the course of a single minute.
    This play will sit with you for much longer than one minute.

    Scott Sickles knows how deliver an emotional gut punch with the force of a wrecking ball, and here he does it in the course of a single minute.
    This play will sit with you for much longer than one minute.

  • Adam Richter: Modern Miracle

    "Jesus wept." With friends like these, it's no wonder.

    Steven G. Martin delivers a clever, absorbing and funny modern sendup of The Last Supper, casting Jesús as the party host who can do no right and all of his friends as doubters who are determined to ruin (what could be) their last night together. The misadventures of this failed dinner party make for a wonderfully entertaining short play. I would love to see this on stage. Bravo!

    "Jesus wept." With friends like these, it's no wonder.

    Steven G. Martin delivers a clever, absorbing and funny modern sendup of The Last Supper, casting Jesús as the party host who can do no right and all of his friends as doubters who are determined to ruin (what could be) their last night together. The misadventures of this failed dinner party make for a wonderfully entertaining short play. I would love to see this on stage. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: BLISSFULLY YOURS

    Jack Levine has a terrific knack for putting seemingly ordinary people in absurd situations and spinning it into multilayered comic gold. “Blissfully Yours” starts with what seems like a silly premise — newlyweds on a bus — and slowly pulls back the lens to reveal the drama and struggles that this young couple has faced so far, and will certainly face in the future. Plus, it’s laugh-out-loud funny. This would be great fun for audiences to see I’ve on stage, so I hope someone makes it happen soon. Great work as always!

    Jack Levine has a terrific knack for putting seemingly ordinary people in absurd situations and spinning it into multilayered comic gold. “Blissfully Yours” starts with what seems like a silly premise — newlyweds on a bus — and slowly pulls back the lens to reveal the drama and struggles that this young couple has faced so far, and will certainly face in the future. Plus, it’s laugh-out-loud funny. This would be great fun for audiences to see I’ve on stage, so I hope someone makes it happen soon. Great work as always!