Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Adam Richter: Knife on a Glass (a monologue)

    Short and (anything but) sweet.
    Not sweet, but necessary. A seething monologue that bubbles over with righteous and deserved anger. In the hands of the right actor, this is an absolute show-stopper of a short piece.

    Short and (anything but) sweet.
    Not sweet, but necessary. A seething monologue that bubbles over with righteous and deserved anger. In the hands of the right actor, this is an absolute show-stopper of a short piece.

  • Adam Richter: Triptych - A Love Story in Three Acts

    "Triptych" is a lovely and funny comedy that takes on the perils of love triangles and open relationships with great care and humor. The use of a narrator helps preserve some of Sam Heyman's terrific prose from the short story (from which this was adapted). While narrators on stage are rarely an effective storytelling device, here Heyman uses it to perfection.
    This is a terrific play for four actors that absolutely deserves a production.
    P.S. It also includes one of the greatest stage directions since "Exeunt, pursued by a bear":
    "PHILLIP finally erupts from his cloister of limbs."


    "Triptych" is a lovely and funny comedy that takes on the perils of love triangles and open relationships with great care and humor. The use of a narrator helps preserve some of Sam Heyman's terrific prose from the short story (from which this was adapted). While narrators on stage are rarely an effective storytelling device, here Heyman uses it to perfection.
    This is a terrific play for four actors that absolutely deserves a production.
    P.S. It also includes one of the greatest stage directions since "Exeunt, pursued by a bear":
    "PHILLIP finally erupts from his cloister of limbs."


  • Adam Richter: Target Audience

    A brilliant, laugh-out-loud satire that pokes an SUV-sized hole in one of the most onerous (and odious) requirements of theater companies. I want to see this played on a loop at every single 10-minute (and 1-minute, for that matter) play festival. Bravo!

    A brilliant, laugh-out-loud satire that pokes an SUV-sized hole in one of the most onerous (and odious) requirements of theater companies. I want to see this played on a loop at every single 10-minute (and 1-minute, for that matter) play festival. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: The Closet Door

    A sweet and charming coming-out story. Sam Heyman has a wonderful gift for dialogue and for finding the humor in the ways people try, and often fail, to express themselves. The push-and-pull of Brett and Chip's relationship is a joy to read, and Jessica is the perfect third wheel. Bravo!

    A sweet and charming coming-out story. Sam Heyman has a wonderful gift for dialogue and for finding the humor in the ways people try, and often fail, to express themselves. The push-and-pull of Brett and Chip's relationship is a joy to read, and Jessica is the perfect third wheel. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: Kwan Yin the Merciful

    This is an absolutely lovely tale of mercy, family and, ultimately, female empowerment. The language in Hilary Bluestein-Lyons' script is spare and graceful. The tale of Kwan Yin is ancient (according to a 10-second Google search I conducted after finishing the play), but Hilary retells it in such an original way it feels fresh and urgent. I highly recommend someone pick this up for an evening of short plays.

    This is an absolutely lovely tale of mercy, family and, ultimately, female empowerment. The language in Hilary Bluestein-Lyons' script is spare and graceful. The tale of Kwan Yin is ancient (according to a 10-second Google search I conducted after finishing the play), but Hilary retells it in such an original way it feels fresh and urgent. I highly recommend someone pick this up for an evening of short plays.

  • Adam Richter: Mah Jong

    The irony in this play is rich and hilarious. We think of games — especially among alleged "grown-ups" — as low-stakes affairs, but as the speaker shows, the stakes couldn't be any higher. This is a great comic monologue for an older actress.

    The irony in this play is rich and hilarious. We think of games — especially among alleged "grown-ups" — as low-stakes affairs, but as the speaker shows, the stakes couldn't be any higher. This is a great comic monologue for an older actress.

  • Adam Richter: Stop Laughing Without Me

    I don't know why they say comedy is hard. For the main character in Philip Middleton Williams' short play, it was literally effortless. The gap between how we want our work to be seen an and how it is seen varies in size, but here it's a gaping maw.
    Therein lies the tragedy.
    Or in this case, the comedy.
    "Stop Laughing Without Me" is a comic gem with a brilliant kicker at the end. This is a great two-hander that would be perfect for an evening of short plays.

    I don't know why they say comedy is hard. For the main character in Philip Middleton Williams' short play, it was literally effortless. The gap between how we want our work to be seen an and how it is seen varies in size, but here it's a gaping maw.
    Therein lies the tragedy.
    Or in this case, the comedy.
    "Stop Laughing Without Me" is a comic gem with a brilliant kicker at the end. This is a great two-hander that would be perfect for an evening of short plays.

  • Adam Richter: The Youtube Comments Section of “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”

    This is an inventive, theatrical way to bring the comments section to life. Much as many of us dread the very thought of such a prospect, Ryan Stevens employs the dank underbelly of the internet to find and tell some touching stories. It's a good reminder that humanity is there, in the comments section, if one is brave enough to go looking for it.
    I was surprised how much this play moved me. Fantastic work.

    This is an inventive, theatrical way to bring the comments section to life. Much as many of us dread the very thought of such a prospect, Ryan Stevens employs the dank underbelly of the internet to find and tell some touching stories. It's a good reminder that humanity is there, in the comments section, if one is brave enough to go looking for it.
    I was surprised how much this play moved me. Fantastic work.

  • Adam Richter: The Pity Mourner (Ten Minute)

    I mean ... there are WORSE excuses for attending a viewing.

    "The Pity Mourner" is a funny and bittersweet play about two people who meet in the most unusual of circumstances. Paul Donnelly's great use of language captures all the awkwardness and false starts of these two characters as they try to figure out how and whether they fit in each other's lives. This is a great vehicle for two older actors. Bravo!

    I mean ... there are WORSE excuses for attending a viewing.

    "The Pity Mourner" is a funny and bittersweet play about two people who meet in the most unusual of circumstances. Paul Donnelly's great use of language captures all the awkwardness and false starts of these two characters as they try to figure out how and whether they fit in each other's lives. This is a great vehicle for two older actors. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: Seventh Inning Stretch (Ten Minute)

    This is an elegant, touching and very funny play about the real-life aftermath of viral moments on the internet. Simple to stage yet a wonderfully complex set of roles for the three actors. I would love to see this come to life on a atage somewhere. Nice work!

    This is an elegant, touching and very funny play about the real-life aftermath of viral moments on the internet. Simple to stage yet a wonderfully complex set of roles for the three actors. I would love to see this come to life on a atage somewhere. Nice work!