Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Adam Richter: The Mirror

    This is a real treat for actors, with some great opportunities for creative blocking and staging. I love how the mirror becomes a personal avatar for each person, turning not just into who they think they are, but who they think they should be. A funny and poignant look at how we all see ourselves. Great work!

    This is a real treat for actors, with some great opportunities for creative blocking and staging. I love how the mirror becomes a personal avatar for each person, turning not just into who they think they are, but who they think they should be. A funny and poignant look at how we all see ourselves. Great work!

  • Adam Richter: CHANGELING

    How I would love to see this on a stage; there is so much that would make "Changeling" a fun endeavor for a director, set designer and two actors.

    That said, reading the text on the page — imagining the verse spoken in my head — was an amazing experience in itself. "Changeling" is a beautifully lyrical and compelling play. Cross expertly builds this fantasy world that draws us in and keeps us there with the all-too-real theme of what parents want vs. who their child becomes.

    Excellent work!

    How I would love to see this on a stage; there is so much that would make "Changeling" a fun endeavor for a director, set designer and two actors.

    That said, reading the text on the page — imagining the verse spoken in my head — was an amazing experience in itself. "Changeling" is a beautifully lyrical and compelling play. Cross expertly builds this fantasy world that draws us in and keeps us there with the all-too-real theme of what parents want vs. who their child becomes.

    Excellent work!

  • Adam Richter: My Friend

    Absolutely, spine-chillingly, wonderfully, creepy.

    "My Friend" is a fantastic tale of the consequences of bullying, and the tragedy that occurs when the bullied finds a way to strike back in the only way she knows. Rachel Feeney-Williams does so much with atmosphere and staging that this would be a director's and actor's dream to put on stage. Bravo!

    Absolutely, spine-chillingly, wonderfully, creepy.

    "My Friend" is a fantastic tale of the consequences of bullying, and the tragedy that occurs when the bullied finds a way to strike back in the only way she knows. Rachel Feeney-Williams does so much with atmosphere and staging that this would be a director's and actor's dream to put on stage. Bravo!

  • Adam Richter: DEATH BY DERRINGER

    Vivian Lermond gets the world of noir detective stories dead to rights in this terrific (and too short, IMHO), quick two-hander. As with all the best parodies, this is written with a readily felt love for the genre it's mocking. Just brilliant.
    *Also, "Della Estella" is one of the best character names I have read in a long time.

    Vivian Lermond gets the world of noir detective stories dead to rights in this terrific (and too short, IMHO), quick two-hander. As with all the best parodies, this is written with a readily felt love for the genre it's mocking. Just brilliant.
    *Also, "Della Estella" is one of the best character names I have read in a long time.

  • Adam Richter: For Your Consideration

    Any writer — hell, any creative person whose success hinges on the gatekeepers of contests, publications and the like — can identify with this delicious satire, in which a gatekeeper must reckon with the person behind the page. This is worthy of a stage production, if only to show some producers the consequences of their actions. Bravo!

    Any writer — hell, any creative person whose success hinges on the gatekeepers of contests, publications and the like — can identify with this delicious satire, in which a gatekeeper must reckon with the person behind the page. This is worthy of a stage production, if only to show some producers the consequences of their actions. Bravo!


    I cannot overstate how impressive it is that in the course of a one-minute play, Monica Cross has crafted an entire world — an entire galaxy, really — and given us so much story, character in 60 seconds that you can't believe it's over after just a page and a half. Is it a great sci-fi play or a great one-minute play? It's both!

    I cannot overstate how impressive it is that in the course of a one-minute play, Monica Cross has crafted an entire world — an entire galaxy, really — and given us so much story, character in 60 seconds that you can't believe it's over after just a page and a half. Is it a great sci-fi play or a great one-minute play? It's both!

  • Adam Richter: The Eyes, The Nose, The South of You / The East, West, North, and the Mouth of You (two parts of the one-minute play series Destination: Wedding)

    There are few times in life when it's more important to be present and attentive than on your wedding day, at the time when your spouse-to-be is articulating a vow of undying love. For someone who's ADD, whose mind can wander at the slightest provocation, this is no easy feat. Scott Sickles shows us this moment from two perspective of both bride and groom in a pair of 1-minute plays that captures the awkwardness of the vows and the efforts to pay attention to them. These plays are brief but they are spectacular.

    There are few times in life when it's more important to be present and attentive than on your wedding day, at the time when your spouse-to-be is articulating a vow of undying love. For someone who's ADD, whose mind can wander at the slightest provocation, this is no easy feat. Scott Sickles shows us this moment from two perspective of both bride and groom in a pair of 1-minute plays that captures the awkwardness of the vows and the efforts to pay attention to them. These plays are brief but they are spectacular.

  • Adam Richter: The Unjust Sound of Unseen Waves

    Finally, the Minotaur gets some respect! I not only loved the story in this lovely one-act by Scott Sickles; the staging is ingenious. Scott presents one of the most feared creatures in Greek mythology and makes him someone not to pity, but to sympathize with. The bond that develops between Izar and the Minotaur is lovely as it unfolds. I cannot recommend this play highly enough.

    Finally, the Minotaur gets some respect! I not only loved the story in this lovely one-act by Scott Sickles; the staging is ingenious. Scott presents one of the most feared creatures in Greek mythology and makes him someone not to pity, but to sympathize with. The bond that develops between Izar and the Minotaur is lovely as it unfolds. I cannot recommend this play highly enough.

  • Adam Richter: How to Talk to Your Child About Psychedelics

    If you ever need to have an awkward conversation with your child, let Daniel Prillaman be your guide. His latest play is brilliant in its dialogue and staging, and a hilarious portrayal of two parents whose teen daughter comes home at the absolute worst time. I love this play and want to see it on a stage somewhere.

    If you ever need to have an awkward conversation with your child, let Daniel Prillaman be your guide. His latest play is brilliant in its dialogue and staging, and a hilarious portrayal of two parents whose teen daughter comes home at the absolute worst time. I love this play and want to see it on a stage somewhere.

  • Adam Richter: THE SPLENDID GIFT

    A beautiful and heartbreaking elegy to a victim of America's senseless indifference to mass shootings. I was not familiar with the real person so the last line — and the note at the end — were a gut punch. As they should be.

    A beautiful and heartbreaking elegy to a victim of America's senseless indifference to mass shootings. I was not familiar with the real person so the last line — and the note at the end — were a gut punch. As they should be.