Recommended by Adam Richter

  • Onion Ode
    3 Mar. 2019
    This is a charming and funny monologue that had me grinning all the way through. It also contains what is now my favorite stage direction ever:
    "WALLA WALLA SWEET ONION fails, unless performer is good at juggling."
    26 Feb. 2019
    A beautifully written, vivid and heart-rending piece that gets to the heart of our destruction of the natural world, as well as ourselves. Wonderful piece.
    19 Feb. 2019
    It seems like every line in this fast-paced play could have been lifted verbatim from some office conversation or other. The cumulative effect is a funny and unnerving short play about the confusing nature of corporate life. I recommend it.
  • The World's Next Tooth Fairy Is Marci Peterson
    18 Feb. 2019
    Joanna Miller's 10-minute play is a hoot, a clever satire that looks at how hard it is to pass the torch, even when both the older and the younger generations know that it's time.
  • The Bedroom Summit
    29 Jan. 2019
    A harrowing and thought-provoking play about homophobia, coming out and the volatile imbalance between people when one wants a relationship and the other does not.
