Recommended by Jackie Martin

  • Stick and Move
    10 Aug. 2020
    It can be tough to write a 10 minute play that not only tells a complete story, but does so with distinctive characters, a surprising arc, and great physicality. This first date play accomplishes all of this and more. "Stick and Move" is original, clever, and hilarious.
  • WE THREE 10-minute drama
    10 Aug. 2020
    A beautiful and honest depiction of how friendships evolve, how people connect, and how our memories can be affected by new information. This is a stunning short play with a big impact.
    26 Jul. 2020
    "Down the Park" is heart-wrenching, compelling theatre that feels absolutely necessary.
  • No Regrets
    13 Jul. 2020
    I was lucky enough to see "No Regrets" at the Firehouse Center for the Arts. If you've ever worked in the wedding industry - or really, the service industry in general - you will no doubt laugh in recognition as Charlene listens to voicemail after voicemail. This is a great opportunity for comedic actresses - one who often acts without words and one who must act with only her words. This play would be a stand-out in your short play festival.
  • A Dave with Destiny (Online Version)
    30 May. 2020
    I was able to watch an online reading of this great comedy, and it translates extremely well to a virtual platform. The play, and in particular the ending, is an unexpected and fun take on the romantic comedies we all know and love. Great for any streaming production!
    30 May. 2020
    I don't often laugh out loud while reading a play, but this one got me. My favorite comedy is that which takes an absurd situation and makes it feel absolutely real; this 10 minute play excels. Carnes's imaginative scenario and fast-paced dialogue turns this breakup into something both touching and hilarious. I would be thrilled to see this performed.
  • Got a Light?
    21 May. 2020
    A wonderful, engaging, funny short play that will make you think as much as it makes you laugh. Both roles are great, but Joan is especially refreshing - a meaty, comical, thoughtful role for a young woman.
  • Six Feet Away
    21 May. 2020
    "Six Feet Away" is a beautiful short play. It explores all of the emotions that are running through so many of us, often all at the same time. It broke my heart and then put it back together again.
  • Hope
    23 Apr. 2020
    I got to see this very short play produced at the One Minute Play Festival and it made me cry then. Somehow, it feels even more necessary right now (yup, I cried a second time upon reading.) Poetic and beautiful.
  • Prom (short play)
    23 Apr. 2020
    A heartbreaking, touching tribute to the class of 2020, executed with a truly original concept. Theater educators who are looking for plays for their high school students to perform virtually should take note.
