Recommended by Brian Cern

  • Local School Board
    26 Jan. 2023
    When dealing with hot-topic issues, there is a tendency to treat some of the characters as cartoons. Crossing the line from "these people represent a different point of view" to "LOOK HOW BAD THESE PEOLE ARE!" The strength in Morgan's script, I feel, is that she treats the characters that she inherently disagrees with as fully actualized people. There is a reason they behave a certain way- Even if it's just ignorance and fear wrapped in a boa of bigotry. It's not the story that we see on the news, but the "Why." And that's where the healing will begin.
  • Passion Therapy
    26 Jan. 2023
    I don't often laugh out loud while reading comedies, and even less while reading a ten-minute comedy.
    Thank goodness for "Passion Therapy" for breaking that streak.
    Starting from the moment the mild-mannered (almost full on repressed) couple enters the office, the audience is deftly brought along their transformation. Decidedly not for kids (unless you want to answer a whole bunch of questions), it is also an interesting take on what may happen when people allow their feelings to get the better of them.
    I would love to see this staged. I would love to be the one to stage it.
  • One Last Stroke
    4 Oct. 2021
    Heartbreaking. It stands on it's own and, unlike most other monologues, it needs no context. Read many times, with many different ages in mind, and how that change the emotion of the piece... Well done.
  • Family is Family
    4 Oct. 2021
    The thing about the short theatre format is that it teaches you to be concise. To strip away all the extraneous bits and get down to the core, to the bones, of the story. With Family Is Family, Rachel Feeny-Williams manages to do just that. The tragic-comidic relationship between Ken and is Mobster Father-In-Law, is spelled out best by what isn't said. As a director, it is the kind of show I prefer: A dark comedy, where you are left to explore the subtext of everything. Very enjoyable. Highly Recommended!
