Recommended by John Busser

  • John Busser: Protocol

    What a completely unique tale of invasion, possession and communication! I was enthralled by the possibilities of dealing with an unknown lifeform through Shakespeare. I loved this piece.

    What a completely unique tale of invasion, possession and communication! I was enthralled by the possibilities of dealing with an unknown lifeform through Shakespeare. I loved this piece.

  • John Busser: 55TH REUNION - (10 minutes)

    For such a sweet-natured nostalgia piece, this had my pulse going over the will-they-or-won't-they get together of Jack and Susan. I mean it, I kept wanting to have a janitor show up and put up a wet floor sign so Jack couldn't get dragged onto the dance floor again. A feel-good little piece with charm and great dialogue for older actors who can still bring it.

    For such a sweet-natured nostalgia piece, this had my pulse going over the will-they-or-won't-they get together of Jack and Susan. I mean it, I kept wanting to have a janitor show up and put up a wet floor sign so Jack couldn't get dragged onto the dance floor again. A feel-good little piece with charm and great dialogue for older actors who can still bring it.

  • John Busser: VALVE JOB

    I'd like to be there for the "Ah-Ha!" moment, when an audience member realizes what's really going on! Multi-level fun!

    I'd like to be there for the "Ah-Ha!" moment, when an audience member realizes what's really going on! Multi-level fun!

  • John Busser: Victor Noir (A Monologue)

    A hilarious "Tale of Ribaldry" (See SNL's John Lovitz for that reference), that would be a blast for a bigger actor than I am. And I mean that both literally and figuratively. I laughed out loud multiple times just thinking about how many gasps you'd hear from the all-oxygen crowd in the audience. A great monologue.

    A hilarious "Tale of Ribaldry" (See SNL's John Lovitz for that reference), that would be a blast for a bigger actor than I am. And I mean that both literally and figuratively. I laughed out loud multiple times just thinking about how many gasps you'd hear from the all-oxygen crowd in the audience. A great monologue.

  • John Busser: A BUMP IN THE NIGHT ( a 10 minute mystery)

    I thought I knew where this was going. But it turns on a dime and becomes a great little revenge play. AND THEN, there is STILL a last bump in the night moment to creep you out. This would be a blast to see done, if only to watch the audience as well as the actors.

    I thought I knew where this was going. But it turns on a dime and becomes a great little revenge play. AND THEN, there is STILL a last bump in the night moment to creep you out. This would be a blast to see done, if only to watch the audience as well as the actors.

  • John Busser: Casting

    A dark AF eye-opener about self-perception and how even that is taken away by other people when we let them. It is especially telling that even a looked-down-upon trait like being overweight can be conscripted by the style and fashion crowd and weaponized against those that are already made fun of for it.

    A dark AF eye-opener about self-perception and how even that is taken away by other people when we let them. It is especially telling that even a looked-down-upon trait like being overweight can be conscripted by the style and fashion crowd and weaponized against those that are already made fun of for it.

  • John Busser: Recipe

    The ties that bind come together in a play where everyone is isolated from one another. A wonderful way to show how connected we really are even when things (both familial and technological) are preventing us coming together. Well done Robert.

    The ties that bind come together in a play where everyone is isolated from one another. A wonderful way to show how connected we really are even when things (both familial and technological) are preventing us coming together. Well done Robert.

  • John Busser: Adam's Angels

    THIS is some funny stuff! Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn has written a winner here with this tale of how mankind first got busy (if you know what I mean). I loved the addition of Lucy into the proceedings (and how she truly fit in). And some truly laugh out loud lines (The Holy Five Second Rule was my favorite!) Someone should stage this ASAP. You'll be glad you did.

    THIS is some funny stuff! Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn has written a winner here with this tale of how mankind first got busy (if you know what I mean). I loved the addition of Lucy into the proceedings (and how she truly fit in). And some truly laugh out loud lines (The Holy Five Second Rule was my favorite!) Someone should stage this ASAP. You'll be glad you did.

  • John Busser: Suburban Buffalo Sighting - Monologue

    I would love to watch an actress spin out of control with this funny, timely look at taking responsibility for your transgressions. This monologue reads very funny. I would imagine it PLAYS even funnier. Manic fun!

    I would love to watch an actress spin out of control with this funny, timely look at taking responsibility for your transgressions. This monologue reads very funny. I would imagine it PLAYS even funnier. Manic fun!

  • John Busser: Another Park, Another Sunday

    A wonderful little reminder to live life, don't just pass through it. I was charmed by Allen and Jill discussing the finer points of the other side FROM the other side. And there are some very funny lines in this piece. I laughed out loud at an exchange about peaches (I lived right by the record store). A theater would be lucky to present this piece by Williams.

    A wonderful little reminder to live life, don't just pass through it. I was charmed by Allen and Jill discussing the finer points of the other side FROM the other side. And there are some very funny lines in this piece. I laughed out loud at an exchange about peaches (I lived right by the record store). A theater would be lucky to present this piece by Williams.