Recommended by John Busser

  • John Busser: The Rapping

    Oh what a blast to read this. I would love to see an audience reaction to this. We love to be scared and especially in groups like in a movie theater or theater. I fun little creeper of a play.

    Oh what a blast to read this. I would love to see an audience reaction to this. We love to be scared and especially in groups like in a movie theater or theater. I fun little creeper of a play.

  • John Busser: 172 PUSH-UPS

    A wonderfully uplifting play that could have gone sour because of the tensions raised. I was hanging on every exchange and watching two people who don't back down from their convictions but are willing to see the other point of view even if they don't agree with it. Very touching.

    A wonderfully uplifting play that could have gone sour because of the tensions raised. I was hanging on every exchange and watching two people who don't back down from their convictions but are willing to see the other point of view even if they don't agree with it. Very touching.

  • John Busser: True Colors

    Oh how quick we are to jump to conclusions under adverse conditions. But this look at friends and colleagues turning on each other while playing musical chairs is both telling and hilarious. Would love to see this staged with rear projections of the screens dropping off one by one. A great visual for a decidedly static (at first) telling.

    Oh how quick we are to jump to conclusions under adverse conditions. But this look at friends and colleagues turning on each other while playing musical chairs is both telling and hilarious. Would love to see this staged with rear projections of the screens dropping off one by one. A great visual for a decidedly static (at first) telling.

  • John Busser: Happy Holidays (or Bust) (10 minute play)

    The best laid plans... rarely turn this funny. This is a wonderful holiday play about good intentions taking a wrong turn into hilarity. I know families EXACTLY like this. They love each other, but sometimes the best thing that could happen would be for them to stay the hell away from each other for their own good. A charming little holiday present.

    The best laid plans... rarely turn this funny. This is a wonderful holiday play about good intentions taking a wrong turn into hilarity. I know families EXACTLY like this. They love each other, but sometimes the best thing that could happen would be for them to stay the hell away from each other for their own good. A charming little holiday present.

  • John Busser: Unfit Puzzle Pieces: A Monologue

    What a beautiful (and wise) distinction between giving up and letting go. Everyone knows the heartache of being on the wrong end of a broken relationship, but fewer come to this smart decision so quickly. A terrific monologue by Eytan Deray.

    What a beautiful (and wise) distinction between giving up and letting go. Everyone knows the heartache of being on the wrong end of a broken relationship, but fewer come to this smart decision so quickly. A terrific monologue by Eytan Deray.

  • John Busser: Final Rest

    Sad and sweet at the same time, this look into two sisters with different lives coming together to lay their mother to rest, it shows all the rivalry, pettiness and bickering that real family members engage in. It is all-too-identifiable in showing how a lifetime of choices can bring bitterness, regret and then, togetherness. It is, in the end, very human.

    Sad and sweet at the same time, this look into two sisters with different lives coming together to lay their mother to rest, it shows all the rivalry, pettiness and bickering that real family members engage in. It is all-too-identifiable in showing how a lifetime of choices can bring bitterness, regret and then, togetherness. It is, in the end, very human.

  • John Busser: Brightly: A Monologue

    Would that all parents could look at a child the way this father looks at his son now. As if he still sees all the potential and spark he exhibited as a newborn. A wonderful monologue that should inspire as well as entertain.

    Would that all parents could look at a child the way this father looks at his son now. As if he still sees all the potential and spark he exhibited as a newborn. A wonderful monologue that should inspire as well as entertain.


    One verbal twist and a man's destiny changes. What a wonderful little monologue. I laughed out loud at that verbal exchange I mentioned. I'm not much of a drinking man, but I'd raise a glass to Vivian's little shot of Kentucky Heaven here.

    One verbal twist and a man's destiny changes. What a wonderful little monologue. I laughed out loud at that verbal exchange I mentioned. I'm not much of a drinking man, but I'd raise a glass to Vivian's little shot of Kentucky Heaven here.

  • John Busser: Spectral

    This is right up my alley. A theatrical supernatural thriller that gets you going in one direction only to subvert your expectations AND THEN DO IT AGAIN with a cool twist. This would be amazing to see on stage because I guarantee a few screams along the way.

    This is right up my alley. A theatrical supernatural thriller that gets you going in one direction only to subvert your expectations AND THEN DO IT AGAIN with a cool twist. This would be amazing to see on stage because I guarantee a few screams along the way.

  • John Busser: APEX PREDATOR

    I was on the edge of my seat reading this. In just a few pages, this went from amiable encounter to bullying and attempted assault to possible rape. And the ending is no comfort because you are left never knowing if this is salvation or an escalation of the ongoing events. What a finish! Would LOVE to see this produced!

    I was on the edge of my seat reading this. In just a few pages, this went from amiable encounter to bullying and attempted assault to possible rape. And the ending is no comfort because you are left never knowing if this is salvation or an escalation of the ongoing events. What a finish! Would LOVE to see this produced!