Recommended by John Busser

  • Homeland Security
    7 Feb. 2020
    A darkly funny skewering of our suspicious, judge-first-ask-questions-later society of today. The punchline alone is worth the price of admission here.
  • Ricky and Ready
    5 Feb. 2020
    A touching look at family dealing with death. I was moved by O'Doherty's characters and how they battled the cancer that was consuming the daughter. No parent should have to see their child pass before their time and the way this is explored is done in a way that brings the audience into the story. Desperation and resignation both show strength of character in mother and daughter. The librarian offering, if not a solution, then at least a way to help deal with the inevitable. Beautiful.
  • The Mortal Drama
    31 Jan. 2020
    I read this with a sense of dread knowing how it would end. It's to Gacinski's credit that he makes you feel for this doomed pair in such a short amount of time. It's interesting that so many people express their artistry through self destructive behavior like that chronicled here. I gut twister to be sure.
  • Drive-Thru (a five minute play)
    31 Jan. 2020
    For once, a trip to a drive-thru that actually leaves you feeling satisfied. Just what the audience member ordered.
  • 11 & 8
    29 Jan. 2020
    It's a true testament to Ellen Koivisto's short but severe writing to say that I was genuinely moved by her story of two children caught up in the worst of human experiences. I wanted to know that these two fictional characters would be alright. I've gone back and reread this three times now hoping to find a happy ending here that I might have missed. Powerful stuff.
  • Chewie, Get Us Out of Here
    29 Jan. 2020
    This "Everything-including-the-kitchen-sink" play was a blast to read. I'd pay good money to see it produced for it's sheer audacity. This hit me right in my genre-stuffed heart. The best part however, would be seeing what actors could do with this. The audience for this wouldn't know what hit them. They might THINK they'd be ready, but they wouldn't be. Like Roger Rabbit on Asteroids.
  • Conflict (short play)
    21 Jan. 2020
    What an interesting idea I took away from this; the idea that trying to avoid conflict can still create conflict. David Hansen's short piece boils down human interaction into a few short pages that points a mirror at everyone and our sometimes knee-jerk responses to others.
  • The Schoolboy
    16 Jan. 2020
    Best punchline I've read today!
    2 Jan. 2020
    A sobering look at war and the effects of propaganda on a person's outlook. A very human story that shows how linked we are, even on two sides of a conflict. It shows how compassion may be the most important weapon in our arsenal. Mr. Hilliard has written something very special here.
  • A Humble Path [a monologue]
    2 Jan. 2020
    I was shocked, to say the least, at where this went. Not that where I thought it was going was any more palatable. This was one of the most heart-breaking examples of a no-win scenario I've ever read. Abe's rationale for his actions was both dark and inevitable. A wonderfully realized character study. Powerful stuff.
