Whether on stage or on film, the prospect of being physically intimate in front of other people is one of the most frightening things a person can endure. You don't want to look, act, smell or taste bad to your partner, let alone an audience who, let's face it, are going to be as critical as if they were going over the Zapruder film.
Scott Sickles deftly shows us in a gentle comedic way, the dance we do when we're about to do that thing we do called "doing it". And it's done with style and a light touch. Bravo.
Whether on stage or on film, the prospect of being physically intimate in front of other people is one of the most frightening things a person can endure. You don't want to look, act, smell or taste bad to your partner, let alone an audience who, let's face it, are going to be as critical as if they were going over the Zapruder film.
Scott Sickles deftly shows us in a gentle comedic way, the dance we do when we're about to do that thing we do called "doing it". And it's done with style and a light touch. Bravo.