A sprawling, ambitious yet intimate view of a life lived in stages, Doug DeVita's 'Phillie's Trilogy' is rightly praised for its heartbreaking scope, bruises and all, of a life lived with bravery and integrity. This is a play that bristles with fear: fear of lost potential, fear of irreversible adult damage on childhood psyche, fear of uncontrollable sexuality. Yet, it is a play about connections: family, friends, that stretches and spans generations yet never tries to 'fix' the flaws of a past wrong. People are flawed but we love them anyway. Phillie's bravery should guide us all.
A sprawling, ambitious yet intimate view of a life lived in stages, Doug DeVita's 'Phillie's Trilogy' is rightly praised for its heartbreaking scope, bruises and all, of a life lived with bravery and integrity. This is a play that bristles with fear: fear of lost potential, fear of irreversible adult damage on childhood psyche, fear of uncontrollable sexuality. Yet, it is a play about connections: family, friends, that stretches and spans generations yet never tries to 'fix' the flaws of a past wrong. People are flawed but we love them anyway. Phillie's bravery should guide us all.