"“I’m so OCD” doesn’t even make sense, grammatically."
So says Jess, one of the many vibrant characters that people this sprawling, intimate one-man-show with such diversity and breadth that you can very easily forget it's all to be performed by one actor, which then flips into a longing to see this taken on by someone talented enough do it justice. "I'm so OCD" doesn't make grammatical sense, but OCD doesn't make any other kind of sense in general. Ben, our protagonist, struggles with what he can't explain or quantify, and we join in his quest for knowledge. Masterful.
"“I’m so OCD” doesn’t even make sense, grammatically."
So says Jess, one of the many vibrant characters that people this sprawling, intimate one-man-show with such diversity and breadth that you can very easily forget it's all to be performed by one actor, which then flips into a longing to see this taken on by someone talented enough do it justice. "I'm so OCD" doesn't make grammatical sense, but OCD doesn't make any other kind of sense in general. Ben, our protagonist, struggles with what he can't explain or quantify, and we join in his quest for knowledge. Masterful.