Recommended by Bryan Stubbles

  • Sadie, Sadie
    21 Sep. 2018
    Fun little play. It covers a lot of space in its short running time. Relatable, because I knew someone once who had a funeral in a religion he didn't believe in. And there's about 1,000 other things in this play. Gotta love caterpillar eyebrows.
  • Lavinia
    21 Sep. 2018
    Powerful and disturbing play in conversation with Titus Andronicus. Worth a read. It will stay with you.
    7 Sep. 2018
    Self-aware meta version of the "meet cute" trope. Genial and pretty funny. Full of great dialogue. Teryn laments her bad luck and lack of a French bookstore romance: "And I’m never gonna have that! I’m never gonna be lucky enough to win tickets on the radio or get lost in France and find a bookstore. If I get lost in France I’m gonna get kidnapped." This play will kidnap and entertain you.
  • The Sadomasochistic Christmas
    1 Sep. 2018
    O mein Gott in Himmel! Absolutely funny and revolting at the same time. Only a schlock maestro such as Guyton can deliver blows this hard. Truly an amazing piece of theatre. I look forward to the day when we finally throw The Great Gatsby out of the curriculum and replace it with this. Awesome dialogue. A couple gems: "Then, I reach down... and remove his North Pole from his red pajamas." and "I’m Mrs. Claus, bitch. I can do whatever I want on Christmas. I own this holiday." Yuletide perversity extraordinaire right here. Love it.
    25 Aug. 2018
    Witty, fun, observant monologue encapsulating every bad audience habit in 2 pages or so. She's soooo annoying. Wyndham always delivers and this is no exception. Can't wait for the sequel WORLD'S WORST THEATREGOER 2: HIT BY THE DAMN BUS.
  • dad shot himself and left behind a box of kink porn
    10 Aug. 2018
    This is fun. An appropriate ending to a wild and surprisingly readable play. Something different that the American theatre is sorely missing. Dear old dad.
  • How to Commit A Double Suicide (10-minute)
    8 Jul. 2018
    An entirely sympathetic portrayal of two people who want to end it all. Some great lines in here. Even though listed as a "drama" it still has a few funny lines. These are complex, concise roles for the right actors. A play more beautiful than it knows. Hopefully a theatre is brave enough to produce Madden's masterpiece.
  • The Blindman's Daughter
    8 Jul. 2018
    This is a very gently humorous reteling of a famous Korean folktale. However, it is much more than that. It also serves as a postmodeernist deconstruction of said tale. The story is working on multiple levels - obviously, it is for children, but there's more going on than meets the eye. A well-woven tale of a father bonding with his daughter and together they learn about what is important and what isn't. Fun roles for both actors as they shift between father, a blind man, an emperor and pirates or between real-life daughter, fictional daughter and empress.
  • The Last Month of William Joseph Dale
    7 Jul. 2018
    Very raw, very sad, very powerful. Squire is such a brave playwright to put everything on the page. This is a play that will definitely stay with you long after having read it...much like William's memory.
  • The Last Airbender Was Whitewashed
    6 Jul. 2018
    Good play, great ending. Idella forces her boyfriend to take it to the next level. Redman knows how to craft a complete story in a short amount of time. Superb work.
