Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: DARMA'S KARMA

    "A few years ago, Darma dumped me. I am so over her now." And so begins this funny monologue in which Rick gleefully tells us the tale of how karma caught up to Darma. I'm not quite sure he's as over his dumped-by-Darma experience as he claims, but many of us have that ex to whom we wish only bad things. What a fun and relatable monologue with a victorious surprise at the end.

    "A few years ago, Darma dumped me. I am so over her now." And so begins this funny monologue in which Rick gleefully tells us the tale of how karma caught up to Darma. I'm not quite sure he's as over his dumped-by-Darma experience as he claims, but many of us have that ex to whom we wish only bad things. What a fun and relatable monologue with a victorious surprise at the end.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Man of God

    This play is fantastic. Four teenagers from a Korean Christian girls' youth group are on a mission trip to Thailand, where they find a hidden camera in their bathroom, placed there by their pastor. What to do? This play deals with what it means to be female in a world where 'boys will be boys,' and how you maintain your dignity and your worth in light of the constant ogling and judging by men. Jen's monologue about the guy in the grocery store parking lot was a particular standout moment for me. A wonderful portrayal of a complicated subject.

    This play is fantastic. Four teenagers from a Korean Christian girls' youth group are on a mission trip to Thailand, where they find a hidden camera in their bathroom, placed there by their pastor. What to do? This play deals with what it means to be female in a world where 'boys will be boys,' and how you maintain your dignity and your worth in light of the constant ogling and judging by men. Jen's monologue about the guy in the grocery store parking lot was a particular standout moment for me. A wonderful portrayal of a complicated subject.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Murder in a Cemetery

    Oh my gosh, this play is so much fun. A vampire has been murdered at her crypt-warming party. Who could the murderer be? This play is delightful from start to finish as you watch the investigation unfold. What a clever, fun play for Halloween season or anytime!

    Oh my gosh, this play is so much fun. A vampire has been murdered at her crypt-warming party. Who could the murderer be? This play is delightful from start to finish as you watch the investigation unfold. What a clever, fun play for Halloween season or anytime!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Janmadin

    It has been too long since I've read a Vince Gatton play! His dialogue is some of the best you'll ever read. I love the formal civility of Nathan in the face of an absolutely bonkers situation. ("I do hope you'll say more" made me laugh audibly.) This one act flies by as you try, along with Nathan, to figure out what is going on. And the visual of him traveling back and forth through the office hallways with all those balloons and cupcakes juxtaposed with the unnerving situation is perfection. Produce this!

    It has been too long since I've read a Vince Gatton play! His dialogue is some of the best you'll ever read. I love the formal civility of Nathan in the face of an absolutely bonkers situation. ("I do hope you'll say more" made me laugh audibly.) This one act flies by as you try, along with Nathan, to figure out what is going on. And the visual of him traveling back and forth through the office hallways with all those balloons and cupcakes juxtaposed with the unnerving situation is perfection. Produce this!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Alpha Omega Incorporated

    I love this. In this short play, the God of Earth is told he's being reassigned to Eros. I especially loved the exchange about dinosaurs, but there is so much clever writing here that it's hard to chose a favorite part. This is smart satire about a God who isn't evolving as quickly as the humans he's in charge of, and it ends with a very funny and satisfying button. This is one tight, entertaining short that will leave you thinking long after it's over.

    I love this. In this short play, the God of Earth is told he's being reassigned to Eros. I especially loved the exchange about dinosaurs, but there is so much clever writing here that it's hard to chose a favorite part. This is smart satire about a God who isn't evolving as quickly as the humans he's in charge of, and it ends with a very funny and satisfying button. This is one tight, entertaining short that will leave you thinking long after it's over.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Martin's Treehouse

    This play about a ten year old processing his dad's sudden death with the help of a friend, his tree house, and his friend's magic tent is poignant and captivating and a wonderful vehicle for two young actors (though not YOUNG young - the kids are portrayed by actors in their 20s). I was hooked from the start and loved watching Martin work through things as he played. Kids notice more than we think they do, and this play reflects that beautifully.

    This play about a ten year old processing his dad's sudden death with the help of a friend, his tree house, and his friend's magic tent is poignant and captivating and a wonderful vehicle for two young actors (though not YOUNG young - the kids are portrayed by actors in their 20s). I was hooked from the start and loved watching Martin work through things as he played. Kids notice more than we think they do, and this play reflects that beautifully.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Following in Matt LeBlanc's Footsteps

    It's hard out there for an actor. You can pour your heart and soul into a role and then they don't even show your face in the final cut. This funny short is all about one such example. Matthew's friends are so sweet as they try to cheer him up. This is a fun homage to aspiring actors - and I totally googled the Matt LeBlanc ketchup commercial after I finished reading it.

    It's hard out there for an actor. You can pour your heart and soul into a role and then they don't even show your face in the final cut. This funny short is all about one such example. Matthew's friends are so sweet as they try to cheer him up. This is a fun homage to aspiring actors - and I totally googled the Matt LeBlanc ketchup commercial after I finished reading it.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Orion

    This play is a beautifully written reminder of how difficult your 20s are, when you're wrestling with who you want to be and who you want to love. This four-character play chronicles about a year in the lives of Sam, Gwen, Scott, and Abby, beginning right after Sam and Gwen broke up. The action is interrupted four times as each character gives a monologue, and the ending is a beautiful summation of everything we've seen. I wish I'd had this much insight and been this articulate in my 20s! The dialogue feels so natural and the angst is so familiar.

    This play is a beautifully written reminder of how difficult your 20s are, when you're wrestling with who you want to be and who you want to love. This four-character play chronicles about a year in the lives of Sam, Gwen, Scott, and Abby, beginning right after Sam and Gwen broke up. The action is interrupted four times as each character gives a monologue, and the ending is a beautiful summation of everything we've seen. I wish I'd had this much insight and been this articulate in my 20s! The dialogue feels so natural and the angst is so familiar.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: An Exorcism in Cambridge

    Oooh yes! This play toggles back and forth in time at Corpus Christi College between Henry Bury in 1632 and some students in 1913, one of whom lives in the room Henry Bury's ghost is currently haunting. A story of ghosts, forbidden love, unappreciated service, and so much more, this play will captivate you from start to finish.

    Oooh yes! This play toggles back and forth in time at Corpus Christi College between Henry Bury in 1632 and some students in 1913, one of whom lives in the room Henry Bury's ghost is currently haunting. A story of ghosts, forbidden love, unappreciated service, and so much more, this play will captivate you from start to finish.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Joey (Full Version)

    What a heartbreaking story, so beautifully told. It's all the little details that got me, like the description of nice footsteps vs angry footsteps, or the teacher mentioning alien abduction, tentatively trying to probe. This would be a very powerful play to see live, and it serves as an important reminder that there are kids like Joey hidden in plain sight everywhere, and we have a responsibility to keep an eye out for them and try to help. This plays is devastating but ultimately hopeful, as life so often is.

    What a heartbreaking story, so beautifully told. It's all the little details that got me, like the description of nice footsteps vs angry footsteps, or the teacher mentioning alien abduction, tentatively trying to probe. This would be a very powerful play to see live, and it serves as an important reminder that there are kids like Joey hidden in plain sight everywhere, and we have a responsibility to keep an eye out for them and try to help. This plays is devastating but ultimately hopeful, as life so often is.