Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Eden 2

    This short is smart, funny, and a good reminder that we're destroying the planet and are in for a world of hurt if we don't course correct immediately (Always nice when an entertaining play can get that message in as well.) A new Adam and Eve have landed on Mars and hopefully won't screw this planet up like they did the last one. The voice of God is perfect, such a great balance between making jokes and hitting these humans with some hard truths. I'd love to see this one live!

    This short is smart, funny, and a good reminder that we're destroying the planet and are in for a world of hurt if we don't course correct immediately (Always nice when an entertaining play can get that message in as well.) A new Adam and Eve have landed on Mars and hopefully won't screw this planet up like they did the last one. The voice of God is perfect, such a great balance between making jokes and hitting these humans with some hard truths. I'd love to see this one live!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: An Evening with Nyarlathotep

    I love this short play. On page one, a character sits down for the very first time (you read that right) and I just knew I was in for a good time. What I wasn't prepared for was how deep this play is, even with all the jokes. Questions of time, existence, our ability to change things... so much gets tackled in this short two person play. You're left with a lot to think about, even as you're left with a smile on your face - the mark of a great story.

    I love this short play. On page one, a character sits down for the very first time (you read that right) and I just knew I was in for a good time. What I wasn't prepared for was how deep this play is, even with all the jokes. Questions of time, existence, our ability to change things... so much gets tackled in this short two person play. You're left with a lot to think about, even as you're left with a smile on your face - the mark of a great story.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Burgers

    George Sapio really paints a picture with this monologue. All the details are so well done, it's almost like you can taste the (many, many) burgers yourself. The desperation of an actor who knows they're talented and is trying with all their heart to succeed is captured perfectly. I loved the ride this monologue takes you on.

    George Sapio really paints a picture with this monologue. All the details are so well done, it's almost like you can taste the (many, many) burgers yourself. The desperation of an actor who knows they're talented and is trying with all their heart to succeed is captured perfectly. I loved the ride this monologue takes you on.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Trial of Prince Charming

    I love this shift in perspective on the story of Cinderella! The Prince WAS kind of a creepy stalker. In this clever short, Cinderella takes the witness stand and holds her own against the defendant's lawyer, as she recounts how she came to be at the ball and the events that followed. The dialogue is very clever, and in addition to being so engaging, this would be very easily staged. Plus, both roles would be a treat for any actor.

    I love this shift in perspective on the story of Cinderella! The Prince WAS kind of a creepy stalker. In this clever short, Cinderella takes the witness stand and holds her own against the defendant's lawyer, as she recounts how she came to be at the ball and the events that followed. The dialogue is very clever, and in addition to being so engaging, this would be very easily staged. Plus, both roles would be a treat for any actor.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: FALLING IN TIME

    Oooh, this short play was not only entertaining, but it taught me something as well: The higher the fall for a human, the deader we end up. The higher the fall for a cat, the more likely they are to survive it. That got me reflecting on what we, like the characters in the play, can do to try to ensure that we survive our big falls in life. Lots to think about in only ten minutes!

    Oooh, this short play was not only entertaining, but it taught me something as well: The higher the fall for a human, the deader we end up. The higher the fall for a cat, the more likely they are to survive it. That got me reflecting on what we, like the characters in the play, can do to try to ensure that we survive our big falls in life. Lots to think about in only ten minutes!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Two Yards of Satan

    This short play is so much fun! It just builds and builds into calculated insanity, and the ending is perfect. It's smart, hilarious, would be a joy to act in, and clearly seems to have been a blast to write.

    This short play is so much fun! It just builds and builds into calculated insanity, and the ending is perfect. It's smart, hilarious, would be a joy to act in, and clearly seems to have been a blast to write.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Euripides, You Buy-a Dese

    The short is not only funny, but smart-funny, which is the best kind. And two of the three characters speak in a historically stylized way about seemingly contemporary things, which makes it even funnier. The juxtaposition of ancient and modern works really well in this play. I'll bet this is a hoot to see live!

    The short is not only funny, but smart-funny, which is the best kind. And two of the three characters speak in a historically stylized way about seemingly contemporary things, which makes it even funnier. The juxtaposition of ancient and modern works really well in this play. I'll bet this is a hoot to see live!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Expectations

    As a mother of small children, I feel this one minute play, deeply. Debra Cole has captured the struggle so perfectly in only one minute! This would get a lot of knowing chuckles in a night of shorts.

    As a mother of small children, I feel this one minute play, deeply. Debra Cole has captured the struggle so perfectly in only one minute! This would get a lot of knowing chuckles in a night of shorts.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Things You Find Out Between the First and Second Date

    Nobody's perfect, and Shawna tries to talk her mom off the ledge and convince her to go on her planned second date with nice-guy Sean. In addition to being very funny, this is a sweet mother/daughter relationship play, with a lot of tiny details to delight and amuse along the way. This is a fun and funny ten minutes, plus now I really want to watch that documentary.

    Nobody's perfect, and Shawna tries to talk her mom off the ledge and convince her to go on her planned second date with nice-guy Sean. In addition to being very funny, this is a sweet mother/daughter relationship play, with a lot of tiny details to delight and amuse along the way. This is a fun and funny ten minutes, plus now I really want to watch that documentary.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: What Happened While Hero Was Dead

    This play is gorgeous and hilarious, and it raises some excellent points about society and the agency of women (or lack thereof) at the time "Much Ado About Nothing" is set - and today as well. What a well-crafted, wild ride of a play. I would love to see that sex ballet on stage!

    This play is gorgeous and hilarious, and it raises some excellent points about society and the agency of women (or lack thereof) at the time "Much Ado About Nothing" is set - and today as well. What a well-crafted, wild ride of a play. I would love to see that sex ballet on stage!