Recommended by Alli Hartley-Kong

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: FALLING IN TIME

    As a cat lover, I was intrigued....and concerned...and then grateful for this piece. Yes, it's a play about a cat, but it's also a play about people, and the intimacy of human connections at moments that appear dark. Well done!

    As a cat lover, I was intrigued....and concerned...and then grateful for this piece. Yes, it's a play about a cat, but it's also a play about people, and the intimacy of human connections at moments that appear dark. Well done!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Memorial Day (Full Length)

    This is an emotionally gripping play about a serious topic, but it touched my heart and drew me in because it made me laugh as well as cry. The ghost of Terrence/Evelyn is such a striking aspect of the play , and the ending shook me. I hope this play has many performances and readings!

    This is an emotionally gripping play about a serious topic, but it touched my heart and drew me in because it made me laugh as well as cry. The ghost of Terrence/Evelyn is such a striking aspect of the play , and the ending shook me. I hope this play has many performances and readings!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: SANCTITY

    I was at the edge of my seat when reading this play. Eileeen is such a rich role, and the tactics and devices that Kerr Lockhart employed for this play to unspool as it does were masterful and well-done. I look forward to seeing a reading of this play and also to the discussion that follows. This would also make an interesting reading and discussion for a law school or legal advocacy group to stage. Well done!

    I was at the edge of my seat when reading this play. Eileeen is such a rich role, and the tactics and devices that Kerr Lockhart employed for this play to unspool as it does were masterful and well-done. I look forward to seeing a reading of this play and also to the discussion that follows. This would also make an interesting reading and discussion for a law school or legal advocacy group to stage. Well done!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Melodies in E

    This play immediately immerses you into Harlem, 1920s. I would love to see this with music and full costume! Vaughn is such a power house of a character, which engages us in the later plot of the story. Well-done Triza! This would be a wonderful piece for a theatre to engage in conversations about different ways Black communities were resistant and resilient in the 1920s, or any theatre that wants to bring this time period to life. Well done! I very much enjoyed this play.

    This play immediately immerses you into Harlem, 1920s. I would love to see this with music and full costume! Vaughn is such a power house of a character, which engages us in the later plot of the story. Well-done Triza! This would be a wonderful piece for a theatre to engage in conversations about different ways Black communities were resistant and resilient in the 1920s, or any theatre that wants to bring this time period to life. Well done! I very much enjoyed this play.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: The Sentinel of Volume H

    There are multitudes contained in this monologue. I am so captivated by Ernie, his unique way of talking and his voice, and moments in his journey, both the hilarious ("Moby Dick... title's a bit misleading) and heartbreaking ("they're all gone now. Sort of all at once"). The monologue is so poignant and heartbreaking in it's discussion of growing up LGBTQIA in a family where it isn't accepted, and the encyclopedia is such a unique device on Ernie's journey to self-discovery. Bravo Jonathan, I just love this monologue!

    There are multitudes contained in this monologue. I am so captivated by Ernie, his unique way of talking and his voice, and moments in his journey, both the hilarious ("Moby Dick... title's a bit misleading) and heartbreaking ("they're all gone now. Sort of all at once"). The monologue is so poignant and heartbreaking in it's discussion of growing up LGBTQIA in a family where it isn't accepted, and the encyclopedia is such a unique device on Ernie's journey to self-discovery. Bravo Jonathan, I just love this monologue!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: The Last Spin Cycle

    This surrealist piece has a sensitive core at the center, as the reader is drawn into the fantasy world that Meadowlark and Caraway have created. You know it's not going to end well, but for a second living in that world, you believe in the fantasy that they have created... and maybe you even believe that they believe in it too. A meaningful and affective short piece that would be a great fit for festivals and would be a joy to see staged in all its absurdist glory one day

    This surrealist piece has a sensitive core at the center, as the reader is drawn into the fantasy world that Meadowlark and Caraway have created. You know it's not going to end well, but for a second living in that world, you believe in the fantasy that they have created... and maybe you even believe that they believe in it too. A meaningful and affective short piece that would be a great fit for festivals and would be a joy to see staged in all its absurdist glory one day


    This is a stunning play that I would love to see produced. It takes a "freaky Friday" concept and adds so much more to it. The strength of the play is the strength of the authenticity of the relationships and the honesty of experience and perspective Burke brings to this. I look forward to reading more plays by this playwright.

    This is a stunning play that I would love to see produced. It takes a "freaky Friday" concept and adds so much more to it. The strength of the play is the strength of the authenticity of the relationships and the honesty of experience and perspective Burke brings to this. I look forward to reading more plays by this playwright.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Baba Mikey

    The reveal in this tender monologue is a gut punch, but the love and care this family has is masterfully woven through. This is an excellent monologue for an actor looking for a deep emotional challenge to dig into.

    The reveal in this tender monologue is a gut punch, but the love and care this family has is masterfully woven through. This is an excellent monologue for an actor looking for a deep emotional challenge to dig into.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Etched in Stone

    "Daddy, Molly needs a bath. Please give Molly a bath."

    I feel as if I've been hit by a headstone that reads "welcome" after reading this remarkable play. This is a wonderful and touching play about the fullness of life at all stages. No matter our age, we all deserve love and companionship. This is a wonderful story, and the memory device is well-done and masterful. Well done!

    "Daddy, Molly needs a bath. Please give Molly a bath."

    I feel as if I've been hit by a headstone that reads "welcome" after reading this remarkable play. This is a wonderful and touching play about the fullness of life at all stages. No matter our age, we all deserve love and companionship. This is a wonderful story, and the memory device is well-done and masterful. Well done!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Ladies' Night

    What a joyous celebration of sisterhood! I enjoyed discovering the relationships in this play and laughed out loud. Each character feels distinctive and unique.

    What a joyous celebration of sisterhood! I enjoyed discovering the relationships in this play and laughed out loud. Each character feels distinctive and unique.