Recommended by Alli Hartley-Kong

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Alas and Alack in Alaska

    This is a beautiful play about gender identity, small towns, family, and the figuring it all out every young person does as they come into their teen years. The language of the play and the voice is so particular and unique; the characters each speak so distinctly. I look forward to seeing this performed one day!

    This is a beautiful play about gender identity, small towns, family, and the figuring it all out every young person does as they come into their teen years. The language of the play and the voice is so particular and unique; the characters each speak so distinctly. I look forward to seeing this performed one day!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: We declare you a terrorist...

    I had the privilege of seeing this play at Round House Theatre, and highly recommend this very timely piece. I knew little about the historical context before-perhaps as little as the character of the Writer- but I now want to learn more about the people and their stories, which is a theme of this play. The characters, particularly in the flashback scenes, were well-drawn and compelling. Masha broke my heart in the best of ways. Ultimately, it's a play about learning to speak truth as a writer when its easier to bury your head in the sand. Timely & well-done.

    I had the privilege of seeing this play at Round House Theatre, and highly recommend this very timely piece. I knew little about the historical context before-perhaps as little as the character of the Writer- but I now want to learn more about the people and their stories, which is a theme of this play. The characters, particularly in the flashback scenes, were well-drawn and compelling. Masha broke my heart in the best of ways. Ultimately, it's a play about learning to speak truth as a writer when its easier to bury your head in the sand. Timely & well-done.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: You Have Earned Bonus Stars

    This play is a stunning play that leaves you gasping for air, as well as crying and laughing. The characters we see onstage are so stunningly drawn, but so also is Jimmy, who never appears alive but haunts the entire work. The central theme of the play- how can one be a better person than they were before- is beautifully drawn out. I hope to see this play live one day.

    This play is a stunning play that leaves you gasping for air, as well as crying and laughing. The characters we see onstage are so stunningly drawn, but so also is Jimmy, who never appears alive but haunts the entire work. The central theme of the play- how can one be a better person than they were before- is beautifully drawn out. I hope to see this play live one day.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Dove

    I read this play last week, and it has stuck and lingered with me since then. The world of the play just explodes in the last scene, between the parents and the teenage reincarnation of their daughter who will never be that old. Each characters arc is well-drawn, and the ideas of guilt and grief play strong throughout the play. I hope to see this play performed in person one day. It is an incredible and meaningful play.

    I read this play last week, and it has stuck and lingered with me since then. The world of the play just explodes in the last scene, between the parents and the teenage reincarnation of their daughter who will never be that old. Each characters arc is well-drawn, and the ideas of guilt and grief play strong throughout the play. I hope to see this play performed in person one day. It is an incredible and meaningful play.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Kevorkian's Cat

    A beautiful and touching piece. To write a piece about dementia and representing the character as an empty wheelchair is a bold move, but it is a brave choice and pays off. The character of the cat is so well defined. I laughed and I cried, and I was surprised at the ending. Gallant really draws you in. Well done!

    A beautiful and touching piece. To write a piece about dementia and representing the character as an empty wheelchair is a bold move, but it is a brave choice and pays off. The character of the cat is so well defined. I laughed and I cried, and I was surprised at the ending. Gallant really draws you in. Well done!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Snowflake (Tales From The Hill #1)

    What a wonderful little play about identity, assumptions, and our relationships with others! The playwright does an excellent job in drawing out aspects of characters and relationships in a small space; even Shep has a complex character despite only appearing for a few lines. I particularly enjoyed the back and forth about lax bros. This play did a really wonderful job showing that folks are more complex than they appear on the surface. Well done!

    What a wonderful little play about identity, assumptions, and our relationships with others! The playwright does an excellent job in drawing out aspects of characters and relationships in a small space; even Shep has a complex character despite only appearing for a few lines. I particularly enjoyed the back and forth about lax bros. This play did a really wonderful job showing that folks are more complex than they appear on the surface. Well done!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Antigone's Sister

    A powerful retelling of the Antigone story that feels resonant and timely. I'm especially impressed by the structure of this play and the effective use of the ensemble parts and the chorus. The play does an excellent job of complicating the idea of reluctant rebel women, and I will be thinking about this play long after I am done reading it. I hope to see it staged one day!

    A powerful retelling of the Antigone story that feels resonant and timely. I'm especially impressed by the structure of this play and the effective use of the ensemble parts and the chorus. The play does an excellent job of complicating the idea of reluctant rebel women, and I will be thinking about this play long after I am done reading it. I hope to see it staged one day!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Demon Bitch Goddess

    This is an evening of theatre I would like to see. The first act showed beautifully that no matter what stage of life we're at, we deserve love. In the second part, I was struck at the humanity by which the playwright portrays people with intellectual disabilities, and the people that love them even when they might not know best how to do it. By the time we got to the third act, I was ready to be shattered--and oh, I was. I hope one day to see this staged. What an incredible journey.

    This is an evening of theatre I would like to see. The first act showed beautifully that no matter what stage of life we're at, we deserve love. In the second part, I was struck at the humanity by which the playwright portrays people with intellectual disabilities, and the people that love them even when they might not know best how to do it. By the time we got to the third act, I was ready to be shattered--and oh, I was. I hope one day to see this staged. What an incredible journey.

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Creative Partners

    I usually find plays about playwrights to be a little too on the nose, but this was a lovely piece. It wasn't really about a playwright so much as it was a play about a man who just simply loves his wife and supports her creative endeavors. What a great piece!

    I usually find plays about playwrights to be a little too on the nose, but this was a lovely piece. It wasn't really about a playwright so much as it was a play about a man who just simply loves his wife and supports her creative endeavors. What a great piece!

  • Alli Hartley-Kong: Can't

    Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I was just gutted at the end of this. What a devastating monologue. What a story that needs to be told. This would be an incredibly challenging and worthwhile piece for any young actress. I am shattered. Thank you Rachel Feeny-Williams.

    Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I was just gutted at the end of this. What a devastating monologue. What a story that needs to be told. This would be an incredibly challenging and worthwhile piece for any young actress. I am shattered. Thank you Rachel Feeny-Williams.