Recommended by Maripat Allen

  • Maripat Allen: SANCTITY

    READ THIS PLAY! Or, better yet, watch it! I saw the zoom reading and was absolutely riveted the entire time. Kerr explores complex moral and ethical choices with engaging characters we can't help but identify with. It is deeply layered with an intricate structure that serves the emotional course of the play perfectly, and seems seemless. Kerrr makes it look easy, and writes shockingly real female characters. If you're looking for a thought provoking, emotionally moving play, this is for you. I can't say enough about it.

    READ THIS PLAY! Or, better yet, watch it! I saw the zoom reading and was absolutely riveted the entire time. Kerr explores complex moral and ethical choices with engaging characters we can't help but identify with. It is deeply layered with an intricate structure that serves the emotional course of the play perfectly, and seems seemless. Kerrr makes it look easy, and writes shockingly real female characters. If you're looking for a thought provoking, emotionally moving play, this is for you. I can't say enough about it.

  • Maripat Allen: A Final Toast

    What a beautiful play! This story about aging is about so much more as well. Anyone who has experienced loss, struggled with past hurts, or grappled with what's important in life (meaning everyone) will relate to these rich, fully realized characters. I enjoyed them, and cared so much about them, that I missed them once I finished. The best thing is the way the author avoids stereotyping and shows how we are never too old to change and grow. It is deeply hopeful without sugar-coating. A real gem.

    What a beautiful play! This story about aging is about so much more as well. Anyone who has experienced loss, struggled with past hurts, or grappled with what's important in life (meaning everyone) will relate to these rich, fully realized characters. I enjoyed them, and cared so much about them, that I missed them once I finished. The best thing is the way the author avoids stereotyping and shows how we are never too old to change and grow. It is deeply hopeful without sugar-coating. A real gem.

  • Maripat Allen: A Typical STEM Job Interview

    Hilarious! Sam captures the feeling of being put on the defensive by people in power with a light touch and laugh-out-loud humor. I was rooting for the protagonist from the start. Now, if there could be a sequel where she sticks it to the interviewer . . .

    Hilarious! Sam captures the feeling of being put on the defensive by people in power with a light touch and laugh-out-loud humor. I was rooting for the protagonist from the start. Now, if there could be a sequel where she sticks it to the interviewer . . .

  • Maripat Allen: Right As Rain

    Wow! This seemingly simple children's story is actually a profound allegory about life, it's meaning (or lack thereof) and afterlife (or lack thereof). The characters names from the childhood selection ritual seem to represent randomness, and argue against the "everything happens for a reason" philosophy. Like a haunting nightmare you are terrified of yet crave to understand, this play will stick with you and will keep audiences thinking and talking long after it's over.

    Wow! This seemingly simple children's story is actually a profound allegory about life, it's meaning (or lack thereof) and afterlife (or lack thereof). The characters names from the childhood selection ritual seem to represent randomness, and argue against the "everything happens for a reason" philosophy. Like a haunting nightmare you are terrified of yet crave to understand, this play will stick with you and will keep audiences thinking and talking long after it's over.

  • Maripat Allen: Believe Me - Version 2

    This intense psychological thriller hooks you in from the start and keeps you hooked. The four characters are fully drawn and the complex dynamics between all of them fully realized. We feel the horror Lisa feels as she realizes more and more about who her brother, her rescuer really is. Like a nightmare you need to talk about to shake off, this play is something the audience will be discussing after the house lights come up. and all the way home from the theatre.

    This intense psychological thriller hooks you in from the start and keeps you hooked. The four characters are fully drawn and the complex dynamics between all of them fully realized. We feel the horror Lisa feels as she realizes more and more about who her brother, her rescuer really is. Like a nightmare you need to talk about to shake off, this play is something the audience will be discussing after the house lights come up. and all the way home from the theatre.

  • Maripat Allen: P, B, & Jane

    This hilarious short play uses the metaphor of improv to get at the mashup of pain and humor that is life. A fast-paced and fun romp, it manages to address a very serious issue: how do we cope with experiences that undermine our basic ability to accept and love ourselves? If laughter is the best medicine, this is good medicine indeed!

    This hilarious short play uses the metaphor of improv to get at the mashup of pain and humor that is life. A fast-paced and fun romp, it manages to address a very serious issue: how do we cope with experiences that undermine our basic ability to accept and love ourselves? If laughter is the best medicine, this is good medicine indeed!

  • Maripat Allen: Everybody Hates This Place

    Small towns and cities like the Riverton of this play are dying out all over, and with it a way of life. This play asks questions about that which I don't often see addressed in theatre. How will small towns survive, and should they? What is the role of place in our life? What is our duty to our places of origin? How do we realize our ambitions within the confines of our homes towns--or do we leave? Is loyalty to be valued? A beautiful, timely piece of drama I would love to not only see but discuss afterward too.

    Small towns and cities like the Riverton of this play are dying out all over, and with it a way of life. This play asks questions about that which I don't often see addressed in theatre. How will small towns survive, and should they? What is the role of place in our life? What is our duty to our places of origin? How do we realize our ambitions within the confines of our homes towns--or do we leave? Is loyalty to be valued? A beautiful, timely piece of drama I would love to not only see but discuss afterward too.

  • Maripat Allen: Reunited Shorts: 6 short plays about reunions

    These beautiful short plays combine humor and pathos so skillfully that not only does each work on it's own but as a collection becomes more than the sum of it's parts. As a reader I felt like I went on an emotional journey that became more intriguing and deeper with each play, and powerfully cathartic at the end. It has meaty roles for young people and will be very moving for an audience.

    These beautiful short plays combine humor and pathos so skillfully that not only does each work on it's own but as a collection becomes more than the sum of it's parts. As a reader I felt like I went on an emotional journey that became more intriguing and deeper with each play, and powerfully cathartic at the end. It has meaty roles for young people and will be very moving for an audience.

  • Maripat Allen: Forces of Nature

    This collection of science-based comedies is so much fun you won't believe how much you learn along the way. The personification of scientific phenomena is hilarious and so well drawn it's sure to not only make an audience laugh, but also to think. A great educational tool and springboard for discussion.

    This collection of science-based comedies is so much fun you won't believe how much you learn along the way. The personification of scientific phenomena is hilarious and so well drawn it's sure to not only make an audience laugh, but also to think. A great educational tool and springboard for discussion.

  • Maripat Allen: Emotionless

    This sweet story takes a look at the upside of emotionality. Audience members will identify with one or the other character, and no doubt have interesting--maybe emotional!--discussions about it afterward. Lots of laughs and lots of food for thought. Thoroughly enjoyable!

    This sweet story takes a look at the upside of emotionality. Audience members will identify with one or the other character, and no doubt have interesting--maybe emotional!--discussions about it afterward. Lots of laughs and lots of food for thought. Thoroughly enjoyable!