Recommended by Maripat Allen

  • Maripat Allen: Bacon With Dad

    This warm and touching story of a father's last gift to his daughter shows how a parent never stops loving or guiding their child. I felt for both the father who longed to help his daughter find happiness, and the daughter who still needed his support. The ending is poignant and hopeful as we see that the daughter has gotten what she needs to move forward in her life, and will carry her father with her always.

    This warm and touching story of a father's last gift to his daughter shows how a parent never stops loving or guiding their child. I felt for both the father who longed to help his daughter find happiness, and the daughter who still needed his support. The ending is poignant and hopeful as we see that the daughter has gotten what she needs to move forward in her life, and will carry her father with her always.

  • Maripat Allen: It's Just a Couch

    This play about a relationship in which one partner is getting bored packs a heartbreaking punch in ten minutes. Audiences will relate and want to discuss what this couple will--and should--do.

    This play about a relationship in which one partner is getting bored packs a heartbreaking punch in ten minutes. Audiences will relate and want to discuss what this couple will--and should--do.

  • Maripat Allen: Roadkill (an audio play)

    Wow! So funny yet so scary! I held my breath until I couldn't because I was laughing out loud! Perfect for Halloween!

    Wow! So funny yet so scary! I held my breath until I couldn't because I was laughing out loud! Perfect for Halloween!

  • Maripat Allen: Gone Fishing Gone

    Single mothers--and anyone who's suffered a loss of a loved one--will relate to this heartfelt story of a mother and son muddling through a first holiday without a loved one--in this case, Father's Day without Dad. The woman and her son are real, the tang of loss palpable, and the healing we see begin gratifying and genuine. A thoroughly satisfying experience.

    Single mothers--and anyone who's suffered a loss of a loved one--will relate to this heartfelt story of a mother and son muddling through a first holiday without a loved one--in this case, Father's Day without Dad. The woman and her son are real, the tang of loss palpable, and the healing we see begin gratifying and genuine. A thoroughly satisfying experience.

  • Maripat Allen: Spices, Pinball, and Guacamole

    In just seventeen pages Julie Zaffarano explores the complexities of sibling relationships and obligations, with humor and sympathy for both her characters. The ending is satisfying and feels real. A delicious and satisfying experience!

    In just seventeen pages Julie Zaffarano explores the complexities of sibling relationships and obligations, with humor and sympathy for both her characters. The ending is satisfying and feels real. A delicious and satisfying experience!

  • Maripat Allen: Étude (Ten Minute Play)

    This richly layered play explores the challenges of creating art, from a painter's and writer's perspective. The lovely cadences of the dialogue draw the audience into the creative process of these two artists, their frustrations, hope, and even envy , as well as their thoughts. Like the best songs, the music of the writing expresses as much as the words themselves do. A beautiful play that will get you feeling, thinking, and discussing long after it's over.

    This richly layered play explores the challenges of creating art, from a painter's and writer's perspective. The lovely cadences of the dialogue draw the audience into the creative process of these two artists, their frustrations, hope, and even envy , as well as their thoughts. Like the best songs, the music of the writing expresses as much as the words themselves do. A beautiful play that will get you feeling, thinking, and discussing long after it's over.

  • Maripat Allen: Q is for Queen

    This timely comedy explores the serious and important subject of alternative "realities" that divide our country. The premise is engaging from the get-go, and the queen's embracing of "alternative facts" is both infuriating and laugh-out-loud funny. Audiences will have lots to talk about!

    This timely comedy explores the serious and important subject of alternative "realities" that divide our country. The premise is engaging from the get-go, and the queen's embracing of "alternative facts" is both infuriating and laugh-out-loud funny. Audiences will have lots to talk about!

  • Maripat Allen: Scavengers (Ten Minute Play)

    This genuinely sweet but not sappy romantic comedy took my interest by the hand and led it down a road with delightful surprises around each curve. I found myself rooting for every character in the play and smiling at it's presentation of the joy and vulnerability in our human need for love.

    This genuinely sweet but not sappy romantic comedy took my interest by the hand and led it down a road with delightful surprises around each curve. I found myself rooting for every character in the play and smiling at it's presentation of the joy and vulnerability in our human need for love.

  • Maripat Allen: Straight Up with a Twist (ten-minute play)

    In a Zoom reading of this play this ten-minutes grabbed my interest and would not let go! Each character is unique and fully drawn and the mystery original. I found myself dying to find out what the one character wanted of the other, and when I found out was delightfully surprised. As in all good mysteries the hints are laid all along but woven in so naturally and subtly I only recognized them as such afterward. A wonderfully fun brain teaser!

    In a Zoom reading of this play this ten-minutes grabbed my interest and would not let go! Each character is unique and fully drawn and the mystery original. I found myself dying to find out what the one character wanted of the other, and when I found out was delightfully surprised. As in all good mysteries the hints are laid all along but woven in so naturally and subtly I only recognized them as such afterward. A wonderfully fun brain teaser!

  • Maripat Allen: Dear Mavis (one-act play)

    This warm and hilarious comedy explores the place of wisdom in our technologically "smart" world. I saw it at Indyfringe DIvafest in 2019 and found Mavis to be n enormously appealing character, who's struggles with technology and dismissive young colleagues I felt as my own. All the characters are engaging and funny, and the story clips along with never a dull moment to a satisfying end. The subject is one I haven't seen addressed a lot in theatre, and Cokinos handling of it provides insights to both young and old alike.

    This warm and hilarious comedy explores the place of wisdom in our technologically "smart" world. I saw it at Indyfringe DIvafest in 2019 and found Mavis to be n enormously appealing character, who's struggles with technology and dismissive young colleagues I felt as my own. All the characters are engaging and funny, and the story clips along with never a dull moment to a satisfying end. The subject is one I haven't seen addressed a lot in theatre, and Cokinos handling of it provides insights to both young and old alike.