Recommended by Caitlin Turnage

  • Cuckoo
    27 Oct. 2018
    A whacky and insane sex farce with a ton of fun, some well timed sleepwalking, and the best references to cuddelfish. This is a great and silly play that's a fun read for anyone who just needs to really laugh today. Check it out!
  • The Only Hills We've Ever Had
    27 Oct. 2018
    This is a really beautiful and heart wrenching piece about a mother who can't quite understand her son not only because of their separation in age but also their separation in experiences. It's a play about the desperate need to keep your child safe and the desperate need of the child to make his own family away from the first. Webb has such a beautiful and sincere way to deal with the conflict in this piece manifesting itself in a bird that keeps making its nest in the wrong place. This piece is full of love. Read it.
  • Monsters Are Made
    26 Oct. 2018
    The script is so lovely and horrific and heart breaking. The concept alone has you diving in at the beginning. The minute Hunter walks in you find yourself shocked and in just as much of a passionate anger as Ricki. The stakes stay and remain high throughout and the brutal honesty of how there's no solving for what Hunter can do to atone for his sin--and the fact that he forces Ricki to deal with that burden of forgiveness starts such an important conversation. This is a beautiful play that is so tough and so important.
  • american kids
    26 Oct. 2018
    Setting this play about a shooting survivor on July fourth with the fireworks is chilling and shiver inducing and nauseating. The subtext in this play is so rich and stunning and my heart was just wrenched out of my chest during these short ten pages. In a moment Emily Kaczmarek packs an emotional PUNCH and tells such a vital story about what our country is coming to for so many young people. This is an important play written in a masterful, delicate, and sensitive way. Please do yourself a favor and read this now. It's not getting any less relevant.
  • Advice for Women
    25 Oct. 2018
    This is an electric and sarcastic play that's such a good conversation instigator and goes about it with such humor while also making me as a female identifying playwright grit my teeth. The people in power as a collective voice is nausea inducing in the best and most aggressive way possible. The advice they give sounds simultaneously like things I've heard before and a garish cartoon. The reading of the headlines about violence against men had me DYING laughing. This is a great play! DEFINITELY read it immediately.
  • Burnt Demon Stick
    25 Oct. 2018
    This play has dialogue and heart and friendship that just zings off the page, it deals with such a specific and peculiar fear that when really thought about opens the curtain to a much more detailed and difficult past. It's a rich short play rife with subtext and a really fun and sweet read. The friendship is so tangible in this play. I loved the eco unfriendly coyote's! Give it a read!
  • You Are What You
    25 Oct. 2018
    You are What You is a rich and dynamic play with things as quirky as talking pot roast with a deep honesty about eating disorders and body image issues in young women. The characters are rich and full of fun and exciting language. Mora Harris is one of those writers whose work you just want to dive into and keep reading! Do yourself a favor and read this play!
  • 10,000 Years
    25 Oct. 2018
    This is a really beautiful and raw piece about a relationship and the way time is stretched, and stopped, and pulled like taffy through communication and love and arguments in a relationship that's existed for a while. Partain is a really perceptive and poetic writer and her exploration of this relationship is so organic and heart felt. This is a great addition to any festival and a real brain twist for an audience member in a loving and musical way.
  • New Mistakes
    25 Oct. 2018
    This is a really sweet short play about the necessity of human interaction via technology and without it, the conversation is full of such sweet nervous energy and anticipation. It's a really lovely exploration about what it means to really connect with another human in such a non verbal and intimate way. A great short bite of a play! Give it a read.
  • Milk In The Desert
    25 Sep. 2018
    This is a KILLER ten minute with a ton of heart! Red and Shawna sing off the page and the conflict of needing to join the military to support the family at the risk of his own life is such an accessible struggle to so many people. I love the sister brother heart at the center of this play! It's a unique ten minute that has a very direct and sincere narrative! Give this play a read and add it to your ten minute festivals and recommend it to your friends!
