Recommended by Franky D. Gonzalez

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Tucumcari Tonite!

    A heartfelt dialogue in an unlikely place being had by two unlikely men about an unlikely subject. Other playwrights wouldn't be able to pull those disparate parts together, but Philip Middleton Williams isn't other playwrights. He creates a hilarious circumstance and shifts it subtly toward the more serious and more deeper exploration of fatherhood, regret, addiction, and shame. It's a lovely two-hander that will stay with you after reading or seeing this show.

    A heartfelt dialogue in an unlikely place being had by two unlikely men about an unlikely subject. Other playwrights wouldn't be able to pull those disparate parts together, but Philip Middleton Williams isn't other playwrights. He creates a hilarious circumstance and shifts it subtly toward the more serious and more deeper exploration of fatherhood, regret, addiction, and shame. It's a lovely two-hander that will stay with you after reading or seeing this show.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Status

    Words matter. In one minute Kevin King demonstrates this truth to us. This short play goes beyond the 2020 pandemic. It's a lesson we should all take and one that we should refresh ourselves on always. We should question the things we say off-hand and actually study the origin of phrases and their impact, even if it has passed into common parlance. Thank you, Kevin for that reminder through your play.

    Words matter. In one minute Kevin King demonstrates this truth to us. This short play goes beyond the 2020 pandemic. It's a lesson we should all take and one that we should refresh ourselves on always. We should question the things we say off-hand and actually study the origin of phrases and their impact, even if it has passed into common parlance. Thank you, Kevin for that reminder through your play.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Do Not Touch

    As real of a conversation as you will get between two people in the age of a global pandemic. M and D speak with a sparseness that highlights their isolation and distance from the other. It's the stuff of truth and despair, but at its heart beats human empathy, the need for contact, and worry for one another.

    As real of a conversation as you will get between two people in the age of a global pandemic. M and D speak with a sparseness that highlights their isolation and distance from the other. It's the stuff of truth and despair, but at its heart beats human empathy, the need for contact, and worry for one another.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: DAUGHTERS of the SEXUAL REVOLUTION

    Dana Leslie Goldstein creates characters that can only be called human. Which is to say, problematic, passionate, loving, complicated, political, magnificent, and so deeply flawed. DAUGHTERS of the SEXUAL REVOLUTION is like a Shakespearean History in so many ways. It uses the past and its lessons to teach us more about our current moment in history. A beautiful, layered play that bears repeated reading.

    Dana Leslie Goldstein creates characters that can only be called human. Which is to say, problematic, passionate, loving, complicated, political, magnificent, and so deeply flawed. DAUGHTERS of the SEXUAL REVOLUTION is like a Shakespearean History in so many ways. It uses the past and its lessons to teach us more about our current moment in history. A beautiful, layered play that bears repeated reading.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Vanilla

    An exploration of the most base and primal urge that moves the human beast to risk life, limb, and health in the mad pursuit to satiate that craving.

    If you think I'm talking about sex well...

    Read Scott's newest one-minute play, VANILLA. It boils us down beyond the carnal urge to our most basic, most heartbreaking, most human.

    An exploration of the most base and primal urge that moves the human beast to risk life, limb, and health in the mad pursuit to satiate that craving.

    If you think I'm talking about sex well...

    Read Scott's newest one-minute play, VANILLA. It boils us down beyond the carnal urge to our most basic, most heartbreaking, most human.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: If the Shoe Fits

    Look, when you gotta make your numbers you gotta make your numbers. Molly Wagner reframes a story most are familiar with and creates a unique and funny take on Cinderella story. Lovely piece of theatre that you'll get done before the stroke of midnight.

    Look, when you gotta make your numbers you gotta make your numbers. Molly Wagner reframes a story most are familiar with and creates a unique and funny take on Cinderella story. Lovely piece of theatre that you'll get done before the stroke of midnight.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: The Trouble with Mustard Greens

    Maximillian Gill has a gift of painting a picture with words. In this lovely picture THE TROUBLE WITH MUSTARD GREENS he gives us a culture, the past, the present, and a hopeful future. Reconciliation with parents (especially immigrant parents) and one's own heritage after being raised in another land is a topic so universally touched upon, but rarely so elegantly done as Gill has done here. A lovely monologue, some great recipes, and a timeless story of a daughter coming to terms with herself and her past.

    Maximillian Gill has a gift of painting a picture with words. In this lovely picture THE TROUBLE WITH MUSTARD GREENS he gives us a culture, the past, the present, and a hopeful future. Reconciliation with parents (especially immigrant parents) and one's own heritage after being raised in another land is a topic so universally touched upon, but rarely so elegantly done as Gill has done here. A lovely monologue, some great recipes, and a timeless story of a daughter coming to terms with herself and her past.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Viral Love

    VIRAL LOVE takes the concept of "The Next Step" in dating and turns it inside out and sideways to fit the current events surrounding the global pandemic. It's a refreshing piece that retools and imagines a whole new way dates can (and may well in the near-future) be conducted. Philip Middleton Williams writes elegantly structured plays, and succeeds in doing so in the one-minute format.

    VIRAL LOVE takes the concept of "The Next Step" in dating and turns it inside out and sideways to fit the current events surrounding the global pandemic. It's a refreshing piece that retools and imagines a whole new way dates can (and may well in the near-future) be conducted. Philip Middleton Williams writes elegantly structured plays, and succeeds in doing so in the one-minute format.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: Closedbook

    I bust out laughing twice reading this play. Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos has a talent for infusing the macabre into everything. She has done it again with this little gem CLOSEDBOOK. It's a play that leaves you guessing and wondering until the very end and approaches subjects like artificial intelligence, hacking, and death with such aplomb and imagination that you can't help but congratulate the playwright.

    I bust out laughing twice reading this play. Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos has a talent for infusing the macabre into everything. She has done it again with this little gem CLOSEDBOOK. It's a play that leaves you guessing and wondering until the very end and approaches subjects like artificial intelligence, hacking, and death with such aplomb and imagination that you can't help but congratulate the playwright.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: The Unspoken New York Treaty

    If this isn't what New York is without words, then I don't quite know what else will do it. Nelson creates a lovely piece of physicalized theatre that will show you exactly how we come together in dire circumstances. A great piece for mime, clowns, or anyone that wants to explore physical communication.

    If this isn't what New York is without words, then I don't quite know what else will do it. Nelson creates a lovely piece of physicalized theatre that will show you exactly how we come together in dire circumstances. A great piece for mime, clowns, or anyone that wants to explore physical communication.