Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Joe Swenson: Delete

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn could give a master class on disguising metaphorical dialogue as something completely different than intended. I admit that I thought the dialogue was neat, but something was a bit off the first time I read it. It was the second time I read it that I realized what this play was actually about. Which makes the last line so incredibly devastating. Makes all of the lines so devastating. This one tricked me good the first time and I felt guilty for laughing at the lines I laughed at. Which it would seem was with purpose! Highly Recommend!

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn could give a master class on disguising metaphorical dialogue as something completely different than intended. I admit that I thought the dialogue was neat, but something was a bit off the first time I read it. It was the second time I read it that I realized what this play was actually about. Which makes the last line so incredibly devastating. Makes all of the lines so devastating. This one tricked me good the first time and I felt guilty for laughing at the lines I laughed at. Which it would seem was with purpose! Highly Recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: Cupid

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn has taken a universally known character and given him so many new and exciting dimensions. What I wasn't expecting was the spiritual conversation that held the tension as the scene played out. Floyd-Priskorn had me rooting for so many things at once. I felt it so strongly that I wrote them out in this recommendation only to realize that I was giving away every twist and turn. Ultimately, you're left with the sad revelation that true love might no longer be attainable. Highly recommend!

    Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn has taken a universally known character and given him so many new and exciting dimensions. What I wasn't expecting was the spiritual conversation that held the tension as the scene played out. Floyd-Priskorn had me rooting for so many things at once. I felt it so strongly that I wrote them out in this recommendation only to realize that I was giving away every twist and turn. Ultimately, you're left with the sad revelation that true love might no longer be attainable. Highly recommend!

  • Joe Swenson: Chicks With Sticks

    This 20 minute or so One Act has it all. It's so unique to the comedy and satire genre that it barely fits. Ellen Davis Sullivan slowly takes you on this mysterious ride through the eyes of Pam and Amy. Sullivan has done such a wonderful job of setting the tone that the ultimate reveal happens in lockstep with the dialogue. Once that happens, Ellen Davis Sullivan opts for a series of escalating twists and turns that you could never expect but be delighted in! Wonderful show! Would love to see it on stage!

    This 20 minute or so One Act has it all. It's so unique to the comedy and satire genre that it barely fits. Ellen Davis Sullivan slowly takes you on this mysterious ride through the eyes of Pam and Amy. Sullivan has done such a wonderful job of setting the tone that the ultimate reveal happens in lockstep with the dialogue. Once that happens, Ellen Davis Sullivan opts for a series of escalating twists and turns that you could never expect but be delighted in! Wonderful show! Would love to see it on stage!

  • Joe Swenson: MLM is for Murder (Or, Your Side Hustle is Killing Us)

    John Bavoso takes on so many social elements and with precision and wit and a ridiculous accumulation of comedic elements. Bavoso does it in a manner that makes every character incredibly relatable, believable and in a comedy such as MLM is for Murder (Or, Your Side Hustle is Killing Us), three dimensional. Driven by greed and power, Bavoso forces the audience to fall into the trap of rooting for the wrong people. There are so many underlying messages throughout the show and to see how Bavoso has weaved them all together is the magic of this show.

    John Bavoso takes on so many social elements and with precision and wit and a ridiculous accumulation of comedic elements. Bavoso does it in a manner that makes every character incredibly relatable, believable and in a comedy such as MLM is for Murder (Or, Your Side Hustle is Killing Us), three dimensional. Driven by greed and power, Bavoso forces the audience to fall into the trap of rooting for the wrong people. There are so many underlying messages throughout the show and to see how Bavoso has weaved them all together is the magic of this show.


    Impossible not to recommend this series of short plays about the latest craze! This show does it without taking sides too. Fun, exhilarating, and with a xeric sense of humor to boot! This show is great!

    Impossible not to recommend this series of short plays about the latest craze! This show does it without taking sides too. Fun, exhilarating, and with a xeric sense of humor to boot! This show is great!

  • Joe Swenson: A Good Year

    Philip Middleton Williams has once again proven that he is a master at dialogue story telling. This time through the eyes and interactions of Marc Griffen. The teacher is the student metaphor fits perfectly in a year in his life. This is different than his previous shows as tension and release ebb and flow throughout to give a true "A year in the life" type story. The word that keeps coming up for me is authentic. A Good Year is an authentic look into fictional characters.

    Philip Middleton Williams has once again proven that he is a master at dialogue story telling. This time through the eyes and interactions of Marc Griffen. The teacher is the student metaphor fits perfectly in a year in his life. This is different than his previous shows as tension and release ebb and flow throughout to give a true "A year in the life" type story. The word that keeps coming up for me is authentic. A Good Year is an authentic look into fictional characters.

  • Joe Swenson: THE BOYD SHOW

    Melisa Tien has written a raw, dramatic, tension filled full length show about a kid who becomes a YouTube sensation. Some hit it big and care about that, some don't care about that. Melisa Tien gives you bits and pieces of information as Boyd ages and with each morsel you the audience make judgements and assumptions only for Tien to either confirm them, let the tension build about them, or casually dismiss them as part of the story. It's also unique conceptually as this show could be edited for only Zoom/Skype/YouTube and still tell the story.

    Melisa Tien has written a raw, dramatic, tension filled full length show about a kid who becomes a YouTube sensation. Some hit it big and care about that, some don't care about that. Melisa Tien gives you bits and pieces of information as Boyd ages and with each morsel you the audience make judgements and assumptions only for Tien to either confirm them, let the tension build about them, or casually dismiss them as part of the story. It's also unique conceptually as this show could be edited for only Zoom/Skype/YouTube and still tell the story.

  • Joe Swenson: Shutters to a Beautiful Mind

    Jason Cirkovic has built a really great monologue about an Autistic Blogger who is in a therapy session. It's not in what Cirkovic has the character say, it's really in the amount the character says that you see the true reflection of self, others, and the need to keep talking which ultimately keeps the noise out. In this case Cirkovic builds a menagerie of instances from tying to shoes to critiquing art work to establish the need for the protagonist to be in therapy. Ultimately Jason Cirkovic finds the right emotion, speed, and distraction in Connor Billings to be effective!

    Jason Cirkovic has built a really great monologue about an Autistic Blogger who is in a therapy session. It's not in what Cirkovic has the character say, it's really in the amount the character says that you see the true reflection of self, others, and the need to keep talking which ultimately keeps the noise out. In this case Cirkovic builds a menagerie of instances from tying to shoes to critiquing art work to establish the need for the protagonist to be in therapy. Ultimately Jason Cirkovic finds the right emotion, speed, and distraction in Connor Billings to be effective!

  • Joe Swenson: Confess

    Rachel Feeny-Williams does it again. This brilliant little comedy had me making faces throughout and pausing and pretending to be director. The dialogue was so engaging that I thought I was at the dinner table with the family. I don't want to ruin anything (which means I've probably already done that), but the ending is fantastic! Kudos to another great 10 minute play Rachel!

    Rachel Feeny-Williams does it again. This brilliant little comedy had me making faces throughout and pausing and pretending to be director. The dialogue was so engaging that I thought I was at the dinner table with the family. I don't want to ruin anything (which means I've probably already done that), but the ending is fantastic! Kudos to another great 10 minute play Rachel!

  • Joe Swenson: James of Nazareth

    I absolutely loved this play. It's fantastic from the end/beginning to the end/end. The entire end (including the verbiage used for the song "Revolution"). Lisa Dellegiarino Feriend has struck gold with this fast-paced comedy. It has everything you want in it without intentionally defaming the original content. Ultimately, there's a lesson in this about life, love, and family. No matter your religious affiliation this is a must see, must be seen, play. Would make a tremendous radio show as well! Brilliant!

    I absolutely loved this play. It's fantastic from the end/beginning to the end/end. The entire end (including the verbiage used for the song "Revolution"). Lisa Dellegiarino Feriend has struck gold with this fast-paced comedy. It has everything you want in it without intentionally defaming the original content. Ultimately, there's a lesson in this about life, love, and family. No matter your religious affiliation this is a must see, must be seen, play. Would make a tremendous radio show as well! Brilliant!