The final installment in the series, Philip Middleton Williams takes you on an unexpected journey. In this final chapter of Clyde and Dan's relationship, he introduces an emotion/event/situation as a character. Grief announces themselves as a necessary part of the relationship between son and father but declares that he's there for the son in an unexpected way.
Philip takes us on this journey of discovery, relationships, and has us rooting for Dan all along the way. Beautifully done. Expert dialogue. I'm rooting for Philip's brilliance and can't wait to read/see more!
The final installment in the series, Philip Middleton Williams takes you on an unexpected journey. In this final chapter of Clyde and Dan's relationship, he introduces an emotion/event/situation as a character. Grief announces themselves as a necessary part of the relationship between son and father but declares that he's there for the son in an unexpected way.
Philip takes us on this journey of discovery, relationships, and has us rooting for Dan all along the way. Beautifully done. Expert dialogue. I'm rooting for Philip's brilliance and can't wait to read/see more!