Lawing has a field day writing this live wire with an axe to grind at a wedding. Her contention being slighted out of doing her day job for a cousin she claims to esteem like a sister. Claims of all kinds come from this "all-knowing" and "ever-understanding" woman who never got out of Dodge, now running a menial task for the bride she watched tour the country, surrounded by townsfolk she secretly fears pity her; except for the audience, likely taking place of the one guest she's never met, listening to an actress's opportunity for a pressured, provocative, tragicomic speech.
Lawing has a field day writing this live wire with an axe to grind at a wedding. Her contention being slighted out of doing her day job for a cousin she claims to esteem like a sister. Claims of all kinds come from this "all-knowing" and "ever-understanding" woman who never got out of Dodge, now running a menial task for the bride she watched tour the country, surrounded by townsfolk she secretly fears pity her; except for the audience, likely taking place of the one guest she's never met, listening to an actress's opportunity for a pressured, provocative, tragicomic speech.