Recommended by Matthew Weaver

  • Phantom Pains
    18 Mar. 2019
    I had the pleasure of watching this play as part of the Fast & Furious one-minute play festival at Stage Left Theater in Spokane, WA. Costa does a masterful job both capturing what our military men and women must go through as they return to the U.S. after an injury, and as a storyteller, hooking the audience and then delivering one hell of a powerful final moment, one which immediately prompts a revisiting of everything that's come before. PHANTOM PAINS is an exquisitely crafted short story.
  • McIntosh
    18 Mar. 2019
    I had the pleasure of watching this as part of Stage Left Theater's Fast & Furious one-minute play festival in Spokane, WA (both as a performance, and as a piece used to audition actors) ! Hayet puts a clever spin on The Wizard of Oz and the delicate dance performers play when the cast list goes up. Best of all, if you never before paid any attention to the part of Tree No. 1 in that famous story, after experiencing this play, you will never forget the important role that figure plays. A smart offering that's both hilarious and genuine.
    18 Mar. 2019
    This was an amazing, solemn part of the Fast & Furious one-minute play festival at Stage Left Theater in Spokane, WA! Carnes's FRIEND character asks simple questions while we the audience are all too aware of the hidden depths beneath the words. This play was forged because of a real-life violent act, but Carnes tells it in a way that embraces peace, and yet asks all of the questions we stumble around lost, seeking answers for. There is great beauty in the world; Carnes never loses sight of the tragedy of those no longer here to see it.
  • Blunk
    18 Mar. 2019
    This was one of my favorite plays during the Fast & Furious one-minute play festival at Stage Left Theater in Spokane, WA! Baughfman does a fantastic job with a GREAT premise, showing us the inner thoughts of two friends competing in what seems like a simple staring contest. In just a minute, Baughfman delivers secrets, heartache, tragedy and, best of all, a genuine belly laugh. BLUNK is my first experience with Baughfman's writing. It certainly won't be the last. Do yourself a favor and start here, too, and then we'll see what else this talented writer can do.
  • Geologic Clock
    18 Mar. 2019
    A timely message from Rinkel, and an impressive feat, fitting in virtually the entire span of existence over the course of a single minute. But he doesn't stop there. He asks the question: Do we have any time left? A surefire offering for any festival with an environmental bent. I had the pleasure of watching this as part of the Fast & Furious one-minute play festival in Spokane, WA!
  • Batman Vs. The Joker at the Laundromat
    10 Mar. 2019
    Hageman makes a pretty convincing case that she should be the next new writer DC Comics calls when it's looking for a new Batman writer. Legions of UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL fans would welcome with relish her tone and vision for the Dark Knight, a refreshingly competent Boy Wonder and the Clown Prince of Darkness, but not necessarily the Clown Prince of Unmentionables. If you've ever read a Hageman play and felt a serious sense of envy for her ability to handle heart-wrenching drama, I have bad news: She's just as skilled when she's simply having fun letting herself play.
  • Pas d'Action
    5 Mar. 2019
    An intimate tour de force from Corley. PAS D'ACTION radiates from the quiet implosion of a woman and the forces of nature that are her mother, brother and daughter. It's fascinating to watch Maya's interactions, with only she - and we - knowing the truth, waiting for the bomb that is about to go off. Every character here is well-drawn and layered; we feel like we've known them all for years, that they are our family. Every tiny slight, every big heartache - Corley weaves them together with wit and grace and shows us all how it is done.
    4 Mar. 2019
    Ten-minute play maestro Mullen takes the fictional McSweeney's prompt - a fabled play festival seeking submissions about the absorbency of paper towels - and makes pure magic with it. Like Lotty, we don't exactly buy Nick's initial concept as we stumble across it, but over the course of the required 8 to 11 minutes, we are all in. (The data about Dominic Monetti is very convincing.) Mullen's play might seem like it's about two quick-witted, lonely hearts coming together and possibly seeking solace in each other, or fantastical worlds, but make no mistake: As required, It's about paper towel absorbency.
    27 Feb. 2019
    Wyndham staggers us in a very short period of time with a very powerful monologue, as Charlie's motivation slowly reveals itself to us. An excellent entry in an already very impressive and vast oeuvre, this is some of Asher's finest work.
  • Paper and Ink
    24 Feb. 2019
    Awesome, creepy fun as Lee takes to the stage and just PLAYS with her play. In doing so, she plays with the audience, building a mounting sense of dread as our heroic sisters fight against their faith in what's real, their tragic family history and things that go bump in the night ... and threaten to steal your soul. Cast your performers who aren't afraid to dance in the darkness, and then dangle your fingers across the backs of the necks of those in your audience, then sit back with delight and watch the goosebumps waltz along their skin.
